Page 274 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 274

                                                                               958                                               ⱷ960
                                                                               A SMALL QINGBAI WATER POT                         A CARVED QINGBAI `BOYS’ BOWL
                                                                               SONG DYNASTY, 2ND HALF 11TH CENTURY               SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)
                                                                               The bowl is covered overall in a clear crackled   The thinly potted bowl has conical sides rising to the rim carefully notched at
                                                                               glaze with a bluish tinge and the base has been left   six points along the edge. The interior is carved with three boys playing amidst
                                                                               unglazed to reveal the white body.                flower scrolls. The bowl is covered overall with a transparent pale blue glaze.
                                                                               3√ in. (8.5 cm.) wide, brocade box                7 in. (17.8 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box

                                                                               $10,000-15,000                                    $20,000-40,000

                                                                               Sotheby's New York, 23 March 2004, lot 621.       南宋 青白釉葵刻嬰戲紋葵口盌
                                                                               Although the Jingdezhen kilns in northern
                                                                               Jiangxi province produced the greatest volume of
                                                                               qingbai wares, other kilns in Jiangxi province as
                                                                               well as kilns in the provinces of Anhui, Zhejiang,
                                                                               Guangdong, and Fujian also produced their own
                                                                               versions of this distinctive ware. Two similar
                                                                               water pots were discovered in a tomb dated to
                                                                               1087, along with forty other qingbai wares, in
                                                                               Susong xian, Anhui province. See Wang Yeyou,
                                                                               "Qiantan Suson xian jinian my chutu de Bei Song
                                                                               yingqing ciqin," Jingdezhen Taoci 2, 1984:61, no.
                                                                               6, fig. 1. Another example discovered at the Song
                                                                               kilns in Fanchang county, is illustrated by Hu
                                          958                                  Yueqian, 'Anhui Green-glazed Wares from the Sui
                                                                               to Song Dynasties: Comparisons with Zhejiang
                                                                               Wares', New Light on Chinese Yue and Longquan
                                                                               Wares: Archaeological Ceramics Found in Eastern
                                                                               and Southern Asia, A.D. 800-1400, Hong Kong,
                                                                               1994, pl. 2. Other similar qingbai water pots
                                                                               are illustrated in Porcelain Collected by Anhui
                                                                               Province Museum, Beijing, 2002, p. 66, no. 50,
                                                                               and in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
                                                                               York, illustrated by S. Valenstein, A Handbook of
                                                                               Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1989, p. 110, no. 105.
                                                                               See, also, the qingbai water pot sold at Christie's
                                                                               New York, 30 March 2005, lot 306.

                                                                               宋  十一世紀下半葉  青白釉小水丞
                                                                               紐約蘇富比, 2004 年 3 月 23 日, 拍品編號 621

                                                                               PROPERTY FROM A WEST COAST COLLECTION
                                                                               A CARVED QINGBAI MEIPING
                                                                               SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)
                                                                               The high-shouldered, tapering body is carved with
                                                                               a band of peony scroll between a band of upright
                                                                               petals below and a band of stylized clouds above,
                                                                               all under a crackled glaze of pale blue-green tone
                                                                               that continues over the short neck and molded rim
                                                                               and falls just above the foot.
                                                                               10¬ in. (27 cm.) high, brocade box

                                                                               南宋 青白釉刻纏枝蓮紋梅瓶

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