Page 50 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 50

          A VERY FINE WHITE JADE `BUFFALO AND BOY’ GROUP      One of the favorite images of the rural idyll depicted by Chinese painters
          QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)                         such as Li Tang (1050-after 1130) depicts a small boy either riding or leading
          The group is carved as a boy standing beside a recumbent water buffalo, with   a water buffalo. A painting by Li Tang, Herd Boy with Water Buffalo and Calf,
          one hand on the buffalo’s horn and the other pulling a long rope which trails   in the National Palace Museum, Taipei is illustrated by A. B. Wicks (ed.) in
          over the haunch and underneath the body. The softly polished stone is of an   Children in Chinese Art, Honolulu, 2002, p. 54, fig. 2.6. This became a theme
          even white tone.                                    seen in small jade carvings of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. A similar
                                                              example with a boy riding a water buffalo, dated to the Qianlong period,
          3¡ in. (8.7 cm) long                                from the Anthony K. W. Cheung Collection, is illustrated in the exhibition
                                                              catalogue, Virtuous Treasures: Chinese Jades for the Scholar's Table,
          $40,000-60,000                                      University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, 2007, pp.
                                                              170-71, no. 96.
          George de Menasce (1891-1967) Collection, London, no. 31.
          Rare Art, New York, April 1996.                     T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器
                                                              清乾隆 白玉牧童戲牛擺件
          Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery,1996-2022.  來源:
                                                              George de Menasce (1891-1967)珍藏, 倫敦, 編號31
                                                              Rare Art, 紐約佳士得, 1996年4月
                                                              夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 1996-2022年

                                                        (additional view)

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