Page 69 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 69

 A RARE AND LARGE BLACKISH-GREEN JADE ARCHAISTIC   The present vessel is based on a celebrated late Shang, 12 -11 century
 GONG-FORM VESSEL AND COVER  BC bronze gong from the collection of Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer that
 The vessel and cover are carved with zoomorphic features and archaistic   entered the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution,
 motifs, including a bird-like animal protruding from the front of the body   Washington DC in 1961 (acc. no. F1961.33a-b). (Fig. 1) The elaborate surface
 and the sides with scrolling serpentine beasts in high relief against a leiwen   decoration of dragons, birds, tigers, elephants, snakes and humans on the
 ground. The handle is surmounted by a humanoid head crowned with a pair of   current vessel is quite faithful to the Shang prototype, but with a few creative
 blade-like projections, and is supported on two firmly planted paw feet. The   additions, such as the small human head carved in relief on the lower body of
 cover is carved at the front with a beast with large curved horns and at the   the vessel between the two front supports.
 back with a bovine mask with large pointed horns, the sides with two felines
 against a leiwen ground. The stone is of a deep blackish-green tone with white   T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器
 speckling throughout. The base is inscribed with a Qianlong fanggu mark.
 14æ in. (37.5 cm.), softwood stand  黑青玉仿古瑞獸紋觥
 $15,000-25,000  紐約蘇富比, 2000年3月22日, 拍品編號14
 Sotheby’s New York, 22 March 2000, lot 14.   棕櫚灘, 佛羅里達州, 諾頓藝術博物館
 聖彼德斯堡, 佛羅里達州, 聖彼德斯堡藝術館
 Palm Beach, Florida, Norton Gallery of Art.  夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 2000-2022年
 St. Petersburg, Florida, St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Art.  出版:
   Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery, 2000-2022.  H. H. F. Jayne, 《The Chinese Collections in the Norton Gallery and School
 LITERATURE:  of Art》, 棕櫚灘, 佛羅里達州, 1972年, 編號248
 H. H. F. Jayne, The Chinese Collections in the Norton Gallery and School of Art,
 Palm Beach, Florida, 1972, no. 248.


 Fig. 1 A bronze lidded ritual ewer (guang) with taotie, dragons, birds,   (another view)
 tigers, elephants, fish, snakes, and humans, c. 1100–1050 BCE. Freer
 Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: Gift of
 Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer, F1961.33a-b.
 青銅饕餮獸紋觥, 大約公元前 1100-1050 年, 華盛頓特區弗利爾藝術館藏,
 Eugene及Agnes E. Meyer伉儷捐贈, 館藏編號52.49.33

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