Page 90 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 90

PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE CHICAGO COLLECTION          芝加哥私人珍藏                                                            ANOTHER PROPERTY
          783                                                 清十八世紀 鐵梨木嵌綠紋石圈椅一對                                                  ~784
          A PAIR OF GREEN-MARBLE-INSET TIELIMU HORSESHOE-BACK   來源:                                                              A HUANGHUALI SQUARE-CORNER KANG CABINET             十七世紀 黃花梨方角炕櫃
          ARMCHAIRS                                           James Tigerman (1951-2004) 珍藏, 芝加哥, 伊利諾州, 1996年                    17TH CENTURY                                        來源:
          18TH CENTURY                                                                                                           The attractively-grained single-panel doors opening to reveal a shelved   馬科斯·弗拉克斯, 紐約
          Carved in imitation of bamboo furniture, each chair has a composite C-form                                             interior and drawers at top and bottom above a plain stretcher and aprons. The       Daniel Shapiro 珍藏, 紐約
          back splat set with a variegated green marble roundel above a plain panel and                                          cabinet is fitted with baitong metal hardware.      展覽:
          openwork apron, and supports the gently curving arms which terminate in                                                30æ in. (78.1 cm.) high, 27æ in. (70.5 cm.) wide, 15æ in. (40 cm.) deep
          outswept hooks. The mat seat is set in a rectangular frame above plain aprons                                                                                              紐約, 馬科斯·弗拉克斯, 1997年3-4月
          and spandrels. The whole is raised on round-section legs and is joined by                                                                                                  出版:
          straight stretchers on the sides and back and a footrest at the front.                                                 $40,000-60,000                                      馬科斯·弗拉克斯, 《Classical Chinese Furniture I》, 1997年春, 紐約, 頁27, 編
          36º in. (92.1 cm.) high, 26Ω in. (67.3 cm.) wide, 23º in. (59.1 cm.) deep  (2)                                         PROVENANCE:                                         號13
                                                                                                                                 M. D. Flacks Ltd., New York.
          $12,000-18,000                                                                                                           The collection of Daniel Shapiro, New York.
          James Tigerman (1951-2004) Collection, Chicago, Illinois, 1996.                                                        New York, M. D. Flacks, March-April 1997.
          Examples of this design, with the articulated nodes, are seen in huanghuali                                            M. D. Flacks, Classical Chinese Furniture I, Spring 1997, New York, p. 27, no. 13.
          and various hardwoods. An almost identical set of four in huanghuali with
          an openwork roundel above the plain huamu burl panels is in the William
          Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, and illustrated in R.
          H. Ellsworth, Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early
          Ch’ing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 1970, p. 125, no. 16. An almost identical single
          huanghuali chair to the set of four in Kansas City, Missouri, formerly of the
          Reverend Richard Fabian Collection, is illustrated in Classical Chinese Wood
          Furniture, San Francisco, 1992, p. 23. Another related huanghuali continuous
          horseshoe-back armchair with simulated “bamboo” members is in the
          Honolulu Museum of Art and illustrated in R. H. Ellsworth, Chinese Hardwood
          Furniture in Hawaiian Collections, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1982, p. 57, pl. 37.

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