Page 95 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 95

 16TH-17TH CENTURY  來源:
 The single-panel top is set in a thick, molded frame above a tall waist carved   Darry Fine Art, 貝爾法斯特, 北愛爾蘭, 1979年
 with cartouches, above a shaped, beaded apron. The whole is raised on carved,   美國密蘇里州私人珍藏
 beaded square-section legs terminating in ruyi-form feet.
 30æ in. (78.1 cm.) high, 26º in. (66.7 cm.) wide, 14º in. (36.2 cm.) deep  焚香文化自漢代至今歷久不衰,與祭祀儀式以至民間風俗息息相關。燃點香料的熏
 $120,000-180,000  圖所示,放置香爐的几桌用途廣泛,可展示文人賞石、鮮花盆栽乃至雅器珍玩。
 PROVENANCE:  本几形制始於宋代或更早期的漆製雛形,涵蓋高束腰、棱角分明的牙子及修長腿足
 Darry Fine Art, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1979.  等特徵。例見一件十五至十六世紀製的朱漆香几,尺寸較大,設長方底座,收錄於伍
   Private American Collection, Missouri.  嘉恩:《中國古典傢俱:香港倫敦精選》,2001-2002年,圖版2。
 Aromatics and incense have been used by the Chinese since the Han   本几風格罕見,傳世例子極少,黃花梨者更稀。皇家安大略博物館藏有一例,與本
 dynasty, for both secular and religious purposes. Censers containing   几近似,束腰上開三魚門洞,收錄於安思遠:《Chinese Furniture: Hardwood
 incense were used to freshen interiors, and were placed upon tall delicate   Examples of the Ming and Qing Dynasties》 ,香港,1970年,編號64,以
 stands. Though the name, incense stand or incense table, implies a specific   及王世襄:《明式傢俱珍賞》,英文版卷二,香港,1990年,頁94,編號B77。明尼
 use, Ming-dynasty prints show the incense stand was used for numerous   阿波利斯藝術學院博物館另藏一例,以黃花梨嵌癭木,形制與本几相仿,見R. D.
 purposes, including the display of scholar’s rocks, flowers and various   Jacobsen、N. Grindley:《Classical Chinese Furniture in the Minneapolis
 decorative objects.  Institute of Arts》,明尼阿波利斯,1999年,頁110-111,編號35。
 The present table was inspired by lacquer prototypes dating to the Song
 dynasty or earlier. These incense stands and tables feature a tall waist,
 delicately cusped aprons, and elongated legs. A related fifteenth-sixteenth
 century red lacquer incense stand of larger size, and raised on a rectangular
 base, is illustrated by G. Bruce in Chinese Classic Furniture: Selections from
 Hong Kong and London, 2001-2002, pl. 2.
 Few tables of this design remain, and even fewer in huanghuali, including a
 very similar example with three cartouches on the waist in the Royal Ontario
 Museum, illustrated by R. Ellsworth in Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples
 of the Ming and Early Ch’ing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 1970, no. 64, and again
 as a line drawing in Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture,
 vol. II, Hong Kong, 1990, p. 94, B77. A burl-inset huanghuali table of similar
 design and construction in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts is illustrated by
 R. D. Jacobsen and N. Grindley, Classical Chinese Furniture in the Minneapolis
 Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, 1999, pp. 110-111, no.35.

 The present table displayed
 in 1980, Missouri.
 此拍品展示於 1980 年,

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