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          LIN HUKUI (LAM WU-FUI, B. 1945)   XING BAOZHUANG                    題識: 梳洗罷,獨倚望江樓。過盡千帆皆不
          Dancing in Auspicious Snow        (YING POCHONG, 1940-2019)              是,斜暉脈脈水悠悠。腸斷白蘋洲。
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour   Rainy Landscape             溫庭筠。候館梅殘,溪橋柳細。草薰
          on paper                          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour   不斷如春水。寸寸柔腸,盈盈粉淚。
          69.5 x 137.3 cm. (27 ¡ x 54 in.)  on gold-flecked paper                  樓高莫近危闌倚。平蕪盡處是春山,
          Signed, with two seals of the artist  54.5 x 129 cm. (21 Ω x 50 Æ in.)
                                            Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the   行人更在春山外。歐陽修踏莎行。
          HK$150,000-200,000                artist                                 丙子(1996年)清明,窗外煙雨濛
          US$20,000-26,000                  Dated Qingming, bingzi year (1996)     濛,寶莊畫並記前賢詞兩闋於芙蓉山
          林湖奎     祥鶴瑞雪     設色紙本     鏡框      HK$60,000-80,000  US$7,800-10,000  鈐印:邢寶壯書畫印、日日江頭坐翠微
          款識:湖奎。                            邢寳莊     煙雨濛濛     設色灑金箋     鏡框
          鈐印:林湖奎印、近山堂                                           一九九六年作

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