Page 171 - Christie's Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings hk may 226 27 2021
P. 171
Commemorating the fifteenth
anniversary of the founding of
the People’s Republic of China, Li
Keran painted Army Crossing the
Yangtze River as his interpretation
of Mao Zedong’s poetic lines
from “People’s Liberation Army’s
(PLA) Occupation of Nanjing.”
Li built up the tense mood
as the People’s Liberation Army
brave the storm and cross the
river, with the negative space Fig. 1 Yijiang Gate, Nanjing 圖1 南京挹江門
cutting through the composition
diagonally. The foreground shows the ships in full sail, almost as if captured in documentary
photographs. In the background, one can get a glimpse of Nanjing city in the mist, and the
northern gate (Fig. 1)—where the PLA entered the city—is partially visible. The ink-washed
evening sky contrasts sharply with the light-brown ships and orange-red flags. This painting
exemplifies Li Keran’s superior ability to use ink wash to create the atmosphere. By using ink of
various intensities, Li sculpted space, light and shadow with full vivacity. Such grand and touching
compositions have earned his war-themed works as some of the most representative Chinese
paintings of the 20th century.
Although Mao Zedong composed this poem immediately upon his victory in Nanjing, he did
not publish it until 1963. It was a year later that Li Keran painted the current work. Unlike his
other historical and revolutionary motifs, such as Jinggang Mountain and All the Mountains
Blanketed in Red, paintings depicting this decisive river battle are extremely rare. As we compare
with a work bearing the same title offered at Christie’s in 2019 (Fig. 2), the artist boldly removed
the mountainscape in the distant background of the current painting, so that the battleships and
the view of Nanjing city are diagonally opposing each other. By compressing the composition
with a reduced length, Li directs the viewers to focus entirely on the battle scene and reinforced
the tightened tension and atmosphere he built. While Li Keran painted the example from our
2019 auction in the Spring of 1964, we believe that the current work might be completed later
in the same year, as seen in his growing maturity and confidence in handling the subject matter.
Fig.2. Li Keran, Army Crossing River,
Christie’s Fine 山背景,令觀者視線完全集中於渡江這一場景,氣
Chinese Modern Paintings, May 2019, Lot 1375 氛渲染似更勝一籌。2019年拍賣一幅創作於1964年
圖2 李可染,《百萬雄師過大江》,佳士得
中國近現代畫拍賣,2019年春,編號1375 春,本幅或許寫於稍後,畫家之思量應更為成熟。