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P. 176
WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010) 吳冠中 春秋 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八五年作
Spring and Autumn
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper
47.5 x 48.7 cm. (18 Æ x 19 ¿ in.) 鈐印:冠中寫生
Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist 來源: 香港拍賣行及地產代理有限公司,中國近代畫,1988年5月14
Dated 1985 日,編號133。
PROVENANCE: 出版:《吳冠中畫集》,榮寶齋,北京,1987年6月,第43頁。
Hong Kong Auctioneers & Estate Agency Limited, Sale of Modern
Chinese Paintings, 14 May 1988, Lot. 133.
Paintings by Wu Guanzhong, Rong Bao Zhai, Beijing, June 1987,
HK$2,000,000-4,000,000 US$260,000-520,000
Among the representative ink paintings by Wu Guanzhong we can almost 吳冠中的成熟作品往往可以在他的速寫中找到相應母體。他的速
always find corresponding sketches from his earlier days. His sketches are 寫,已刪繁就簡從自然中提取畫家看到的點與線,而具象的內容則
reductions to the essential minimal manifested in dots and lines that he 退而其次,這正是他日後創作總是可以直接借鑑其速寫的原因。
observed from nature.
“Spring and Autumn” is a recurrent subject for the artist in the 1980s. The first 可追溯至他1985年在四川九寨溝的一幅速寫(圖一)。速寫描繪的
of such examples was his sketch of Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan in 1985 (Fig. 1). In 許是四姑娘山雙橋溝帶的景緻:近景中湖水淹沒的樹叢,沙棘枯木
this sketch, he focused on a small bridge and its surrounding, an idyllic portrait 立而不倒,牦牛散佈在遠處草灘悠閒吃草。畫家於再創作時,已完
adorned with herds grazing in the distance. When he visualized the Jiuzhaigou
Lake, Wu abandoned the grand landscape with technicolour and was drawn to 全摒棄九寨溝之實景,他鍾情的是那大片的淺水形成的灰色背景,
the large body of shallow water, manifested in darker and lighter shades of grey. 深淺不一的灰令畫面有了空間;植物婀娜的線條跳躍穿插在全幅,
The details under his brush are the thin vegetation stems moving elegantly and 牦牛與葉片則化身為最精神的色點,整幅作品靈動而不沙散,充滿
the yaks and the leaves abstracted to become coloured dots. The painting is full 韻味。
of energy and movement.
Wu Guanzhong said, “I painted Spring and Autumn in Jiuzhaigou based 《春秋》,畫境不辨春與秋,春來秋往不記年。”畫家對光陰周而
on one of my sketches. The painting does not indicate Spring or Autumn - 復始的感慨,化為如此美麗而抽象的畫面。吳冠中內心的詩情也是
because as season changes, we are oblivious of years passing by.” The quote 他畫面抒情的重要來源。
reverberates his nostalgia for the passing of time; and his wish to transform
emotions into this beautiful and abstract composition. 本幅出版於1987年榮寶齋發行的《吳冠中畫集》,此書由畫家自作
This painting was featured in Rong Bao Zhai published Paintings by Wu 出或贈人時,方將作品簽名,是吳冠中的習慣,所以出版物與實物
Guanzhong. In this authoritative catalogue, Wu wrote the preface and asked
Lin Fengmian to inscribe the book cover. At the time of publication, the 的不一亦是常見。
painting only had one seal and had no signature. The signature on the current
painting was added later by the artist when it was sold or gifted.
Fig.1. Wu Guanzhong, Sketch of
圖1 吳冠中九寨溝速寫