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楊公庶、樂曼雍舊藏齊白石草蟲冊 (LOT 1067)
QI BAISHI (1863-1957) through his meticulous, vivid and lifelike insects. Simple in form but
Flowers and Insects complex in idea and application, these exquisite album leaves are the
Four album leaves, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper results of the artist’s keen observation of nature. His ability to capture
(1) 22.4 x 28.4 cm. (8 √ x 11 º in.) the essence of an ordinary form and transformed it into a masterpiece
(2) 33 x 25.8 cm. (13 x 10 ¿ in.) truly distinguishes Qi Baishi as one of the most important Chinese
(3) 32 x 26 cm. (12 ¬ x 10 º in.) painters of the 20th century.
(4) 29.5 x 24 cm. (14 ¬ x 9 Ω in.) HK$12,000,000-20,000,000 US$1,600,000-2,600,000
Each leaf inscribed and signed, with a total of four seals of the artist
Further inscribed by the artist on the mounting, with one seal 齊白石 草蟲 設色紙本 鏡框四幅
Dedicated to Gongshu
Further inscribed and signed by Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973), with 1. 題識:魯班門下白石。
one seal 鈐印:齊大
Dated dinghai year (1947) 2. 題識:楓林亭外,白石。
Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Modern Paintings, 25 May 3. 題識:白石老人老年作。
2009, Lot 766. 鈐印:白石
EXHIBITED: 4. 題識:寄萍老人老年作。
Beijing, The Soviet Union Exhibition Hall (Beijing Exhibition 鈐印:白石翁
Center), The Posthumous Works of Qi Baishi, 1-20 January 1958, no. 畫家裱邊又題: 此冊共十有七開,乃八十七歲白石老人為公庶公
342. 子、曼雍夫人作。丁亥(1947年)。
The Commemorative Catalogue of the Posthumous Works of Qi Baishi, 章士釗題跋: 《鷓鴣天》有序。
People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, December 1957, p.36, 夏午詒欣賞齊白石畫,而謂書法不中程,不喜其題
no.342; one leaf Lamp and Moth illustrated. 款,屢索不著一字之和尚畫片,觀者似為不平。前明
Works of Qi Baishi: Painting Selection Volume I, People’s Fine Art 狀元姚淶輒譏文衡山為畫匠,或評之曰:待詔名垂不
Publishing House, Beijing, 1963, pl. 146, 150, 162, 169. 朽,後人誰記有年掇巍科如姚明山其人者?吾題此幀
Qi Baishi: The Last Legend of Literati Painting, Lionart, Taipei, 1978, 不禁此感。惜午詒下世,不得親拈是事為笑謔,云:
pl. 48, 49, 62 (three leaves published). “八十年來氣類空,劣憑兩事壯南風,湘鄉將相平祅
NOTE: 寇,直到齊璜畫草蟲。尊款識,泥宏通,頭巾吾笑直
Yang Gongshu (1896-1978) was the eldest son of the politician Yang 心翁,狀元儘許姚淶中,待詔名同萬歲紅。”
Du (1874-1931). They came from Xiangtan, Hunan, the hometown 公庶、曼雍賢夫婦賞之。孤桐章士釗題,時丁亥
of Qi Baishi. Yang Gongshu attained his doctoral degree in chemistry (1947年)長夏。
in Berlin and worked for two years in a chemical company in 鈐印:別署孤桐
Germany. Upon his return to China, Yang held the post of Secretary- 來源: 香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2009年5月25日,編號766。
General of the National Resources Commission. He later became an
acquaintance of Chinese pharmaceutical entrepreneur Yue Daren 展覽: 北京,蘇聯展覽館 (現北京展覽館) 文化館,“齊白石遺作展
(1877-1947). Through his introduction, he married Yue’s niece Yue 覽會”, 1958年1月1日-20日,展覽編號第342。
Manyong, the thirteenth-generation descendant of the legendary 出版: 《齊白石遺作展覽會紀念冊》,人民美術出版社,北京,
Chinese pharmacy Tong Ren Tang. 1957年12月,全冊頁著錄於第36頁,展覽編號342;《燈蛾》
Yue Manyong was active in the art and literati circle. She studied 一頁出版。
poetry from Qiao Dazhuang and was close to painter Qi Baishi. The 《齊白石作品集》第一集,人民美術出版社,北京,1963
present lot was a gift from Qi Baishi to the couple Yang Gongshu and 年,圖版146、150、162、169。
Yue Manyong. The album initially consisted of seventeen leaves and 《齊白石─文人畫最後的奇葩》,雄獅圖書股份有限公司,
the paintings demonstrate Qi’s superb fine brush (gongbi) technique 臺北,1978年,圖版48, 49, 62(三開出版)。