Page 21 - Sotheby's NYC September 21 2022 Important Chinese Art
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               PROPERTY FROM AN AMERICAN PRIVATE COLLECTION  The form of these jars derives from Longquan celadon wares
               A RARE ‘CLAIR-DE-LUNE’-GLAZED ‘HUNDRED    of the 14th century, which were made with covers in the
               RIB’ JAR                                  form of a lotus leaf, such as one from the collection of the
                                                         Ottoman sultans and now in the Topkapi Saray Museum,
               QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD               Istanbul, included in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the
               Width 10¼ in., 26 cm                      Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, vol. I, London, 1986, pl. 213;
                                                         and another, in the Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, published
               PROVENANCE                                in the Illustrated Catalogue of Tokyo National Museum.
                                                         Chinese Ceramics II, Tokyo, 1990, cat. no. 14.
               Offered at Sotheby’s New York, 6th December 1989, lot 192.
               Michael B. Weisbrod, Inc., New York, 1990.  In the later Qing period, jars of this type may have been
                                                         described as ‘Ru-glazed’, and the ribs referred to as
               EXHIBITED                                 ‘hundred folds’ (baizhe). According to the inventory of the
               Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, 1982-1989 (on   Qing imperial court archives, dated to the twelfth month
               loan).                                    of the eleventh year of the Guangxu period (in accordance
               From Kilns of Kings and Commoners, Michael B. Weisbrod,   with 1885), Ru you ci baizhe xiao yugang yi kou or ‘a small
                                                         Ru-glazed hundred-fold fish jar’ was stored in the porcelain
               Inc., New York, 1990, cat. no. 46.
                                                         quarter of Fangyuanju (Residence of the Aromatic Garden) in
               The present jar is remarkable for its precisely potted large   the Imperial Summer Palace at Chengde.
               form which has been covered in a luminous clair-de-lune
               glaze. This high-fired glaze, with a cobalt content of about   $ 150,000-250,000
               1%, was first produced by the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen
               during the Kangxi Emperor’s reign. Known in the West by the
               19th-century French connoisseurs’ term clair-de-lune (‘moon   清康熙   天藍釉百條缸
               light’), and in China as tianlan (‘sky blue’), it was one of the
               most successful monochrome glazes created in Jingdezhen   來源
               during the Kangxi reign, its soft hue reserved exclusively for   上拍於紐約蘇富比1989年12月6日,編號192
               imperial porcelains. The color remained popular throughout   Michael B. Weisbrod, Inc.,紐約,1990年
               the Qing dynasty, but after the Kangxi period lost its delicate
               tone. A closely related jar from the Edward T. Chow Collection   展覽
               was sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 25th November 1980,   印第安納波利斯藝術博物館,印第安納波利斯,1982
               lot 73; and another from the J.M. Hu Collection, illustrated   至1989年 (借展)
               in Qing Imperial Monochromes. The Zande Lou Collection,
               Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, 2005, pl. 32, was sold in our   《From Kilns of Kings and Commoners》,Michael B.
               Hong Kong rooms, 4th June 1985, lot 29. See also one sold in   Weisbrod, Inc.,紐約,1990年,編號46
               our London rooms, 10th July 1979, lot 203, and again in these
               rooms, 20th May 1980, lot 98; two further jars sold in these
               rooms, one from the collection of William L. Parker, 11th May
               1978, lot 212, and the other, 4th December 1984, lot 345; and
               two recently sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 5th April 2017, lot
               1111 and 3rd April 2019, lot 3655.

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