Page 26 - Sotheby's NYC September 21 2022 Important Chinese Art
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 A FLAMBÉ-GLAZED GLOBULAR TRUNCATED    清雍正   窰變釉三羊尊   PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT AMERICAN PRIVATE   Compare a pair of similar dishes from the Zhuyuetang
 VASE   《雍正年製》款   COLLECTION                          Collection, included in the exhibition Shimmering Colours.
 SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG  A ‘CLAIR-DE-LUNE’-GLAZED SAUCER DISH   Monochromes of the Yuan to Qing Periods: The Zhuyuetang
            MARK AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG              Collection, Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
 the base with an impressed four-character seal mark  Hong Kong, 2005, cat. no. 72. Another pair, originally sold
 Width 10 in., 25.5 cm  來源  the base with a six-character mark in underglaze blue within   in our Hong Kong rooms, 17th November 1975, lot 130
 Parish-Watson & Co., Inc.,紐約   a double square       and included in the exhibition Imperial Chinese Porcelain,
 PROVENANCE  Donrose Galleries,芝加哥,1979年6月   Diameter 5¼ in., 13.3 cm  Ceramics and Works of Art, Marchant, London, 2013, cat. no
 Parish-Watson & Co., Inc., New York.   Peter M. Greiner 醫生 (1940-2013) 收藏   27, was subsequently sold separately, the first at Christie’s
 Donrose Galleries, Chicago, June 1979.   紐約佳士得2014年9月18日,編號800  PROVENANCE  New York, 14th September 2017, lot 732 and the second in
 Collection of Dr. Peter M. Greiner (1940-2013).   Collection of R.B. Caldwell, Dallas, Texas.    our Hong Kong rooms, 29th April 2022, lot 3501.
 Christie’s New York, 18th September 2014, lot 800.  Christie’s New York, 22nd March 1999, lot 322.
                                                      清雍正   天藍釉小盤
 $ 10,000-15,000    $ 20,000-30,000
                                                      R.B. Caldwell 收藏,達拉斯,德州

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