Page 42 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art December 2015 Hong Kong
P. 42

China circa 1900

Colonel W. H. Starr, Royal Army Medical Corps, CB, CMG, CBE.

William H. Starr, Colonel with Her Majesty’s Royal Army Medical Corps      威廉.H.斯塔爾為英國皇家陸軍軍醫隊上校,負責在戰爭期間為英國武
(RAMC), was responsible for providing medical supplies and treatment       裝部隊提供醫療援助,在和平與非戰爭期間,則為軍隊家屬提供日常
to all British Armed Forces, military personnel and their families during
times of war and peace. Starr was awarded the following medals:            的醫療服務。威廉上校曾多次榮獲國家授予勳章,包括1854的印度戰
the 1854 India General Service Medal with a Waziristan 1894-1895           役勳章;其1900年的中國戰役勳章或為鎮壓義和團所得;巴斯勳章;
clasp; the 1900 China Medal, without clasp, probably for service           大英帝國勳章;聖米迦勒及聖喬治勳章;1914年又榮獲不列顛戰役勳
during the Boxer Rebellion; Commander of the Order of the Bath             章以及第一次世界大戰勝利勳章。
(CB); Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George medal;
Commander of the Order of the British Empire medal (CBE); 1914
Star; British 1914-1918 War Medal; and the British First World War
Victory Medal.

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