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Timepieces provided a bridge between Western and Chinese culture, It is not surprising that the present clock was made after an English
with the European Jesuits utilising the sophisticated and exotic clocks prototype, such as the one from the Nezu Museum, Tokyo, sold at
as means to gain access to the imperial court. The first to initiate this Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 May 2008, lot 1515, as China became
was the Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci, who presented two chime clocks Britain’s chief export market for its timepieces in the 18th century.
to the court of the Wanli emperor in 1601, and the same means were
used also during the 18th century, from the Kangxi reign onwards. The Compare a related clock in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated
passion for European clocks was embraced by the Qing court and the by Lu Yangzhen, Timepieces Collected by the Qing Emperors in the
Qianlong emperor, but also extended to imminent officials and wealthy Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1995, p.170; see also another example
merchants. from the Qing Court collection with similar form and feet but with a
lacquered wooden body, illustrated in Moments of Eternity: Timepieces
Clocks were symbolic of the ability to master the time and the Collection from the Palace Museum, Macao, 2004, p.297, pl.107.
calendar; they solidified the emperor’s position as the Son of Heaven
of having divine powers and the ability to control the transcendence of A related ormolu and paste-set striking and musical clock, Qianlong,
time in the universe. They also represented the relationship between was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 9 October 2012, lot 3021.
time and good governance, as demonstrated in a poem composed by
the Kangxi emperor titled ‘The Chanting of the Chiming Clock’, which 此鐘整體造型為亭式建築式樣,通體鍍金。瓶形花蕾作鐘頂,鐘上部
translates as: 亭頂四面飾飛鳥,飛鳥下飾團花,四角及頂端嵌銅鍍金飾件。鐘正面
‘Methods originating from the West, taught us with a keen heart. 草紋一周,底座正面有嵌料石轉花一朵。底座側面為上弦器。
Wheels circle on a quarterly basis, hands move according to minutes.
Dawn needs not to be announced, golden clock reports in advance. 西洋時鐘的引進是西方傳教士通往中國皇宮貴胄的橋樑。早在明代末
Work hard on government affairs in the morning, memorials are never 期,天主教傳教士利瑪竇就將西方所製兩件自鳴鐘獻予萬曆皇帝,從
completed in a late manner.’ 此打開了西方使者與上至皇宮貴族、下至黎明百姓溝通的話題,為中
The Qianlong emperor inherited from his grandfather his passion for 愛之物,亦受到達官顯貴及商販的追捧。
science and clocks. The imperial court indulged in luxuries including
extravagant mechanical amusements. The emperor not only had 西洋時鐘能夠準確的呈現時曆,這與中國統治者對天文、曆法等相關
many clocks imported from Europe, but specifically ordered by decree 支持的壟斷和掌握一脈相承。天子對時間及曆法的掌握,蘊含其君權
for both his Chinese and European clockmakers from the imperial 神授的象徵意義,因此受到歷朝歷代統治者的喜愛。康熙對西方科學
workshops to create and replicate these timepieces. These skilled 技術即抱有極大的熱忱,他曾作詩《詠自鳴鐘》一首,曰:「法自西
artisans were given priority access to an assortment of expensive raw 洋始,巧心授受如。輪行隋刻轉,表指按分移。絳幘休催曉,金鐘預
materials, including gold, jade, lacquer, ivory, gemstones and zitan. 報時。清朝勤政務,數問奏章遲。」由此看出,自鳴鐘已成為康熙帝
References to the imperial workshops making timepieces were found 安排生活及工作的必須之物。
dating back to 1723, where production began during the Yongzheng
period. It is also recorded that there were once as many as 3,431 猶如其祖父,乾隆皇帝歷來熱衷收藏西洋鐘錶及其他奇器,作為其閒
timepieces on display within the imperial palace at one time by imperial 逸消遣的高級玩具及奢侈擺設。此期間宮廷除了大量進口歐洲鐘錶之
command; see Moments of Eternity: Timepieces Collection from the 外,亦命宮廷造辦處以及位於揚州、廣州的作坊製作鐘錶。中國工匠
Palace Museum, Macao, 2004, pp.448-449. 挖盡心思,配合黃金、玉、漆、象牙、寶石、紫檀等名貴材料,製作
Sophisticated timepieces whilst initially brought from Europe, were 中一例。此轉花種裝飾及形制明顯受到英國時鐘影響,類似一例見日
subsequently produced and re-interpreted in their decorative motifs, 本根津美術館舊藏一件嵌寶石鐘,後於香港佳士得售出,2008年5月
by local workshops in Guangzhou, Yangzhou and Beijing. In addition 27日,編號1511。
to the Beijing imperial workshops, fine clocks made in Guangzhou
were also presented to the emperor as imperial tribute, demonstrating 北京故宮博物院清宮舊藏藏有一例可資比較,見陸燕貞,《清宮鐘
the outstanding level of craftsmanship achieved by the Chinese 錶珍藏》,香港,1995年,頁170;而北京故宮清宮舊藏另一件清乾
clocksmiths, as well as their familiarity with European and in this case 隆木樓嵌銅活三套鐘,雖為木製,但整體形制與四足與本拍品極為相
English clocks of the late 18th century. 似,見澳門藝術博物館,《日升月恆:故宮珍藏鐘錶文物展》,澳