Page 117 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 117

            propertY oF a ChICaGo prIVate CoLLeCtor  明永樂   銅佛塔
            AN INSCRIBED BRONZE STUPA         《大明永樂年施》款
            constructed in two parts, the lower component   James W. 及 Marilynn Alsdorf 收藏
            of beehive form cast with four graduated bands
            representing the ‘Four steps’ and surmounted   展覽
            by a cylindrical chamber sealed with a recessed   《A Collecting Odyssey: The Alsdorf
            plate, the plate incised with a tibetan seed   Collection of Indian and East Asian Art》,
            syllable om in the center surrounded by the   芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加哥,1997年,
            mantras of the Lords of the three Families   編號98
            arranged in two concentric circles, the incised
            text in-painted with vermillion pigment,
            the base sealed with a second plate, the
            upper component with the bumpa (dome)
            surmounted by a square harmika incised on
            one side with a six-character reign mark, and
            supporting a tapering conical spire divided into
            thirteen bands and a disc-shaped ‘parasol’
            engraved on the underside with four emblems
            of the tathagata Buddhas, all topped with
            symbols for the sun, moon, and jewel, the
            surface with traces of red lacquer, the inner
            chamber of the lower component containing
            a wood beehive-form box inscribed to the
            exterior with sutras, the text also in-painted red,
            and housing scrolls within (2)
            height 8⅝ in., 21.9 cm
            Collection of James W. and marilynn alsdorf.
            A Collecting Odyssey: The Alsdorf Collection
            of Indian and East Asian Art, art Institute of
            Chicago, Chicago, 1997, cat. no. 98.
            this stupa was originally produced as part
            of a set of eight stupas, each of which
            commemorates one of the eight major
            events in the life of the historical Buddha.
            at least two such sets were produced in the
            early ming dynasty, however, neither set has
            remained intact. the form of the present
            stupa, the padmakataka stupa (‘stupa of
            heaped Lotuses’), commemorates the birth
            of shakyamuni at Lumbini and symbolizes the
            seven steps which the Buddha took in each of
            the four directions immediately after his birth.
            Compare a similar example illustrated in Art
            and Faith at the Crossroads: Tibeto-Chinese
            Buddhist Images and Ritual Implements from
            the 12th to the 15th Century, robert Bigler,
            Zurich, 2013, cat. no. 53. two more elaborate
            gilt-bronze versions of the ‘stupa of heaped
            Lotuses’ are now in the collection of the tibet
            museum in Lhasa, and published in Xue yu
            cang zhen : Xizang wen wu jing hua / Treasures
            from Snow Mountain: Gems of Tibetan Cultural
            Relics, shanghai museum, 2001, cat. nos 46
            and 47. additional gilt-bronze stupas that
            were produced in sets of eight have also
            been preserved in Lhasa and published in Liu
            hongxiao, Budalag ong mi bao / Gems of the
            Potala, Beijing, 1999, pl. 167.
            $ 60,000-80,000

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