Page 118 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 118

           propertY oF a mIssoUrI prIVate CoLLeCtor  perhaps the most popular and well-known   another bronze example of this deity is
           A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE             Buddhist deity in China, avalokiteshvara,   illustrated in saburo matsubara, Chinese
           OF CINTAMANICAKRA                or Guanyin, is known by worshippers in   Buddhist Sculpture: A study based on bronze
           AVALOKITESHVARA                  many forms, among them ekadashamuka,   and stone statues other than works from
                                                                              cave temples, tokyo, 1966, pls 295a and b,
                                            amogopasha, shadakshari, Water moon
           LATE TANG DYNASTY / FIVE         Guanyin, and more rarely, Cintamanicakra. as   attributed to the tang dynasty. a related bronze
           DYNASTIES                        Buddhism evolved in China, avalokiteshvara’s   figure in the collection of the metropolitan
                                            varied forms were introduced through the   museum of art attributed to the 10th century,
           regally seated in rajalilasana, the head   transmission and translation of different sutras.   late tang or Five Dynasties period, is illustrated
           gracefully inclined, bearing a scrolled diadem   as Chun-fang Yu mentions in ‘Guanyin: the   in Denise patry Leidy and Donna strahan,
           centered by amitabha with long ribbons   Chinese transformation of avalokiteshvara’,   Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and
           trailing and enclosing a tall coiffure, the serene,   in marsha Weidner, Latter Days of the Law:   Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of
           rounded face with sweeping, arced brows   Images of Chinese Buddhism 850-1850,   Art, new haven, 2010, pl. a35 (fig. 1), depicts
           meeting an aquiline nose, a cheek resting   Kansas, 1994, p.154, one of the earliest esoteric   a different bodhisattva of the same type.
           gently in the supportive right hand, the chest   avalokiteshvara texts was translated into   the metropolitan museum figure has a lotus
           adorned with beaded necklaces and the   Chinese in the eastern Jin dynasty (317-420   petal base of the same distinctive design as
           swaying torso with draped and knotted sashes,   a.D.). In the northern Zhou dynasty (557-581   the present example, as well as other similar
           the cintamani wish-granting jewel held in front   a.D.), further esoteric scriptures focusing on   related stylistic elements, such as drapery,
           of the chest and a lotus stem at the hip, a dhoti   avalokiteshvara were introduced, and through   proportions, and facial modeling. another gilt-
           draped about the legs in luxurious folds, the   these texts, the tantric forms of the bodhisattva   bronze figure of an esoteric bodhisattva, in this
           bodhisattva set atop a luxuriant lotus-form   were propagated.     case depicting Vajrasattva, from the collection
           base comprised of three tiers of petals each                       of James W. and marilynn alsdorf, illustrated in
           with a central circular boss enclosed by a foliate   Cintamanicakra is often depicted in the same   hugo munsterberg, Chinese Buddhist Bronzes,
           tendril border, the central standard mounted in   attitude as the present, holding in the six arms   tokyo and rutledge, 1967, pl. 81, now in the
           a wood stand (2)                 the wish-granting jewel (cintamani) in front   art Institute of Chicago and attributed to the
           height 6¼ in., 16.5 cm           of the chest, the dharma wheel (chakra) in   late 8th or early 9th century of the tang period,
                                            a raised palm, the stem of a lotus in another
           PROVENANCE                       hand, a mala in another, and the sixth planted   also has a lotus base strikingly similar to that
                                                                              of the present Cintamanicakra figure. a further
           Collection of trezevant Branam Winfrey (1912-  down for support. the murals of the mogao   example of a gilt-bronze bodhisattva holding
           1999), by 1968.                  Caves at Dunhuang, in Cave 14, show a   a cintamani, attributed to the 8th century
           acquired from the estate of the above in   colorfully painted six-armed Cintamanicakra,   and with a similar lotus base, modeling, and
           Kirkwood, missouri, 1999.        in the same pose as the present example, and   proportions, was exhibited in Tang Dynasty:
                                            bearing the same attributes, executed in the   Chinese Gold and Silver in American Collections,
           $ 60,000-80,000                  late tang period.                 Dayton art Institute, 1984, cat. no. 73.

           唐末 / 五代   銅鎏金如意輪觀世音

           Trezevant Branam Winfrey (1912-1999) 收藏,

                                                                              Fig 1. Bodhisattva, late tang dynasty or Five Dynasties
                                                                              period, metropolitan museum of art

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