Page 124 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 124

           A RARE GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF     the closing of the northern Wei period, and   the examples cited above, in addition to the
           AVALOKITESHVARA                  carries stylistic elements that represent the   present gilt-bronze figure, all exhibit signs of
           NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY,            contemporary cultural and social changes of   the late northern Wei sinification, in contrast
           DATED TO THE FIRST YEAR          its time.                         with those of the early northern Wei period.
                                                                              the stylistic differences are clearly seen in the
           OF THE ZHONGXING PERIOD,         the Imperial family of the northern Wei were   rendering of the clothing. Consider a gilt-bronze
           CORRESPONDING TO 531             famously pious Buddhists. the monumental   figure of a standing Buddha, dated 475, now
                                            cave sculptures at Yungang in shanxi province,
           modeled standing before a flame-shaped   and Longmen near Luoyang in henan province,   preserved at shijiazhuang, hebei provincial
                                                                              museum, illustrated in Lin shuzhong, Zhongguo
           mandorla on a rounded pedestal base, the   are towering testimonies to the effort and   meishu quanji: Diaosu bian (Complete series
           bodhisattva dressed in long flowing robes   importance given to the production of Buddhist   on Chinese art: sculpture), vol. 3, Beijing, 1988,
           flaring out to the sides, with the right arm raised   icons with the aim of attaining spiritual merit.
           and holding a lotus stem, the left hand lowered,   as is commonly seen, the imperial examples   pl. 88. the rounded pleats of the robe adhere
                                                                              closely to examples in Gandharan sculpture,
           the head set with a tiara and framed by a   influenced the commoners’ practices, and   as well as the visibility of the body beneath
           circular halo, the larger mandorla decorated   many extant sculptures still bear the dedicatory   the clinging garment. the present figure,
           with peaked flames extending up to the pointed   inscriptions of their commissioners, hoping
           tip, all supported by a splayed four-legged   to accrue merit and blessings. the present   conversely, wears loose, voluminous robes with
                                                                              flowing sashes, hiding the body completely.
           support inscribed with a dedicatory inscription   figure is a clear example, with a dedication   the robes flow away from the body, angling
           dated to the first year of the Zhongxing period,   naming avalokiteshvara by name, Guanshiyin,   out into swallow-tail ends and tapering corners.
           corresponding to 531, wood stand, Japanese   inscribed to the back of its supporting stand.
           wood box (4)                     Compare a related figure dated to the third year   this treatment of the garments is clearly seen
                                                                              in two other northern Wei gilt-bronze figures
           height 5⅛ in., 13 cm             of taiping, corresponding to 536 of the eastern   now preserved at the metropolitan museum
                                            Wei dynasty, only six years after the casting of
           PROVENANCE                       the present example, illustrated in Rijucho jidai   of art, new York, illustrated in Denise patry
           Japanese private Collection, Kansai, prior to   no Kondobutsu (Gilt-bronze Buddhas of the   Leidy, Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and
                                                                              Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum
           World War II.                    six Dynasties period), Izumishi Kubosou Kinen   of Art, new haven, 2010, cat. nos 7a and 7b,
                                            museum, Izumi, 1991, cat. no. 100. Compare as
           the northern Wei dynasty (386-534), founded   well a similar figure of avalokiteshvara in the   dated 524 and attributed to circa 525-535,
           by the tuoba clan of the Xianbei ethnic group,   Freer sackler Galleries, smithsonian Institution,   respectively, where the garments are described
           was from its onset a tumultuous period   Washington D.C., acc. no. F1909.264, with   as ‘the tail of a fish’.
           encompassing Xianbei and han Chinese   similar treatment of the flame-like striations
           traditions. tuoba Gui (r. 386-409) ruled by   to the mandorla, and a similarly proportioned   $ 60,000-80,000
           employing both tuoba and han Chinese   figure, but with ribbons on the crown and more
           officials at court and set a precedent for his   pronounced crossed sashes, dated to the third   北魏中興元年(531年)   銅鎏金
           successors. the tuoba were allied with other   year of the shengui period, corresponding to   觀世音立像
           non-han northerners and tibetan groups at the   520, illustrated in saburo matsubara, Chinese
           time of tuoba Gui’s rule, and further trade with   Buddhist Sculpture: A study based on bronze   銘文:
           western neighbors throughout the era ensured   and stone statues other than works from cave   仲興元年九月十日比丘尼竫暈上為□妹造
           that subjects enjoyed a cultural richness   temples, tokyo, 1966, pl. 47. Both of these   觀世音像一區茲為妹夫其天同賓
           reflected in surviving artifacts from the period.   figures also bear inscriptions that name
           the present gilt-bronze figure, dated to the first   avalokiteshvara by name, Guanshiyin.
           year of the Zhongxing reign, corresponding                         來源
           to the year 530, was created on the eve of                         日本私人收藏,關西,二戰之前

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