Page 162 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
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           Forming a virtual diorama, the present brushpot is an   jade fragments were in the Imperial Collection. Following
           extravagant statement of luxurious refinement. the   the Western campaigns and subsequent access to an
           superlative quality of stone, subject matter and artistry   abundant supply of uncarved jade, jade carving flourished
           reflect the power and accomplishment of the Qianlong   throughout the empire. the ruyi guan (Imperial Department
           period and the unparalleled ability to access such rarefied   for production) began recruiting skilled jade craftsmen,
           material and talent.                      while at the same time it continued to send uncarved jade
                                                     to the eight departments under the Imperial court, the most
           the combination of riders carrying ceremonial court
           implements and those wielding weapons imply that the scene   important of which was in suzhou. production was strictly
           is of an imperial outing in the mountain, perhaps for a hunt   controlled and each piece was carefully selected before
                                                     being displayed at court.
           or simply to enjoy the natural ambiance. a closely related
           scene with riders bearing the same types of equipment in a   the jade of this brushpot is remarkable for its even white
           forested mountain is carved into a large spinach-green jade   tonality across such a large expanse of stone. the pale
           brushpot in the collection of the asian art museum of san   color allows light to filter through the material, bringing out
           Francisco, obj. no. B60J29. the same collection also includes   the depths of the carving, thereby enhancing the three-
           a spinach-green jade boulder depicting a hunt scene, wherein   dimensionality and vivacity of the scenes depicted. the
           a group of riders amble along the path chatting, while others   inherent qualities of the stone, and the rarity of finding
           are in hot pursuit of fleeing tigers and deer (obj. no. B60J49).   such a desirable and sizable block to work from, would
           additional large-format Qing jade carvings illustrating hunt   undoubtedly have inspired the artisan to maximize the
           scenes include a dark green jade brushpot in the collection   material’s potential by carving a grand and complex scene
           of the national palace museum, taipei, published in   into its surface. other 18th century white or whitish-celadon
           Masterworks of Chinese Jade in the National Palace Museum,   jade brushpots intricately carved with figural scenes
           national palace museum, taipei, 1969, cat. no. 36; a spinach-  include an example featuring scholars and attendants at a
           green jade brushpot from the national museum of history,   riverside retreat, in the collection of the palace museum,
           taiwan, exhibited and published in Jade: Ch’ing Dynasty   Beijing, published in the Complete Collection of Treasures
           Treasures from the National Museum of History, Taiwan,   of the Palace Museum: Jadeware (III), hong Kong, 195, pl.
           national history museum, taiwan, 1997, cat. no. 30; a white   167; an example carved with a Daoist scene, formerly in
           jade boulder in the collection of the national palace museum,   the collection of heber Bishop, and now in the collection
           taipei, exhibited and published in The Refined Taste of the   of the metropolitan museum of art, new York, acc. no.
           Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades   02.418.209; another, also from the Bishop Collection,
           of the Ch’ing Court, national palace museum, taipei, 1997,   bearing a scene of an immortal surrounded by attendants in
           cat. no. 52; and a circular spinach-green jade table screen   a forest setting, sold in these rooms, 16th september 2009,
           illustrated in roger Keverne, Jade, London, 1995, pl. 138.  lot 251; an ‘Immortals’ themed brushpot, formerly in the
                                                     Kitsen Collection, sold most recently at Christie’s new York,
           Beyond the exemplary carving, the quality of the stone
           itself testifies to the present brushpot’s production in the   17th september 2008, lot 329; a brushpot depicting sages
           mid-Qing period. prior to the 24th year of the Qianlong   walking amidst pine trees, most recently sold in our hong
                                                     Kong rooms, 7th april 2015, lot 3643; and a brushpot with
           reign (1760), jade arrived at the imperial court in very small   the ‘hundred boys’ merrily playing in a garden landscape,
           amounts. Yang Boda, in ‘the Glorious age of Chinese Jade’,
           Jade, London, 1991, p. 146, notes that by the 6th year of the   from the collection of robert e. and Katharine Chew tod,
           Qianlong reign (1742) only 10 pristine jade objects and 66   sold in these rooms, 23rd march 2011, lot 612.

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