Page 157 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 157

                                              AN ARCHAISTIC SPINACH-GREEN       清十九世紀   碧玉雕獸面紋朝冠耳
                                              JADE TRIPOD CENSER AND COVER      盤龍鈕三足蓋爐
                                              QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY
                                              the compressed body rising from three stepped   Samuel M. (1830-1914) 及 Matilda (1837-
                                              cylindrical legs to a short waisted neck and   1912) Nickerson 伉儷收藏
                                              everted rim, the exterior finely carved in relief
                                              with a pair of archaistic taotie motifs divided   1900年贈予芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加哥,
                                              by six symmetrical vertical flanges, flanked by   館藏編號1900.759
                                              a pair of upright curved handles each pierced   出版
                                              with a rectangular aperture, the cover similarly   《Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.
                                              carved and surmounted by a reticulated coiled   Nickerson: presented to The Art Institute of
                                              dragon finial, the smoothly polished stone
                                              mottled with dark speckles (2)    Chicago》,芝加哥,1900年,編號110
                                              height 5¼ in., 13 cm
                                              Collection of samuel. m (1830-1914) and
                                              matilda (1837-1912) nickerson.
                                              Gifted to the art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
                                              in 1900 (acc. no. 1900.759).
                                              Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Nickerson:
                                              presented to The Art Institute of Chicago,
                                              Chicago, 1900, cat. no. 110.
                                              $ 10,000-15,000

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