Page 156 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 156

           A JADEITE TRIPOD CENSER AND      清末   翡翠朝冠耳三足蓋爐
           LATE QING DYNASTY                來源
                                            Samuel M. (1830-1914) 及 Matilda (1837-
           the compressed globular body rising from   1912) Nickerson 伉儷收藏
           three cabriole legs to a short waisted neck   1900年贈予芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加哥,
           and everted rim, flanked by a pair of curved   館藏編號1900.797
           upright handles each detailed with grooved
           sides and pierced with rectangular apertures,   展覽
           the domed cover surmounted by flared petals   《Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.
           forming the finial, the lustrous polished stone of   Nickerson: presented to The Art Institute of
           a variegated yellow-green color with occasional   Chicago》,芝加哥,1900年,編號45
           russet patches (2)
           height 4½ in., 11.5 cm

           Collection of samuel m. (1830-1914) and
           matilda (1837-1912) nickerson.
           Gifted to the art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
           in 1900 (acc. no. 1900.797).
           Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Nickerson:
           presented to The Art Institute of Chicago,
           Chicago, 1900, cat. no. 45.
           $ 3,000-5,000

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