Page 155 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 155
A PALE CELADON JADE VASE AND 清十八 / 十九世紀 青白玉雕仿古紋
COVER 如意耳活環方蓋瓶
Rossetti 收藏,倫敦
of flattened fanghu form, the short splayed foot Samuel M. (1830-1914) 及 Matilda (1837-
and broad rim incised with a band of keyfret, 1912) Nickerson 伉儷收藏
flanked by a pair of ruyi-shaped loop handles, 1900年贈予芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加哥,
each suspending a loose ring, the narrow sides
finely incised with archaistic scroll work forming 館藏編號1900.766
a diaper pattern, the waisted neck encircled 出版
with pendent overlapping ‘cicada’ blade motifs, 《Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.
the domed cover similarly decorated at the rim Nickerson: presented to The Art Institute of
with keyfret, surmounted by a rectangular finial,
the softly polished stone of even pale green Chicago》,芝加哥,1900年,編號7
tone (2)
height 8½ in., 21.6 cm
rossetti Collection, London.
Collection of samuel m. (1830-1914) and
matilda (1837-1912) nickerson.
Gifted to the art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
in 1900 (acc. no. 1900.766).
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Nickerson:
presented to The Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, 1900, cat. no. 7.
Comparable 18th and 19th century jade vases
with a similarly restrained archaistic aesthetic,
include a Qianlong mark and period yellow jade
fanghu-form vase and cover with ruyi-form
handles and ruyi-head bands at the shoulder
and foot, in the Woolf Collection, published in
The Woolf Collection of Chinese Jade, London,
2013, pl. 2; a 19th century white jade fanghu
and cover, set with loose ring handles and
undecorated aside from keyfret at the foot and
rim, in the collection of the asian art museum
of san Francisco, published in michael Knight,
et al., Later Chinese Jades: Ming Dynasty to
Early Twentieth Century from the Asian Art
Museum of San Francisco, san Francisco, 2007,
pl. 137 (obj. no. B60J286); and a Qianlong mark
and period celadon jade fanghu with low-relief
archaistic motifs and loose ring handles in the
collection of the national museum of history,
taiwan, and exhibited and published in Jade:
Qing Dynasty Treasures from the National
Museum of History, Taiwan, national museum
of history, taipei, 1997, cat. no. 102.
$ 60,000-80,000
soLD BY the art InstItUte oF ChICaGo 153