Page 150 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 150


           NICKERSON 珍藏中國玉器

           samuel mayo nickerson (1830-1914), an 8th   paintings, prints, and drawings with 18th and   Samuel Mayo Nickerson(1830-1914),第
           generation american born in massachusetts, left   19th century asian decorative arts, including   八代美國人,生於麻省,少年時代離開新
             new england early in his adulthood in search of   Chinese and Japanese ceramics, Japanese inro,   英格蘭尋找機會,開創事業,曾於佛羅
           opportunity and a promising career. Following a   netsuke, and other lacquers, Indian jewelry,   里達州與其兄開雜貨店,後於1860年移居
           generally unproductive time running a general   mughal jades, and an impressive collection of   芝加哥,開設酒廠,大展鴻圖,隨即以酒
           store with his brother in Florida, he embarked   Chinese jades.
           on a new venture.  he moved to Chicago around   the couple’s passion for the arts extended into   廠所得利潤轉投金融界,創立第一國家
           1860 and found success starting and running his   their philanthropic endeavors. mr. nickerson   銀行,任職副總裁(1865-1867)及總裁
           own distillery. he quickly parlayed the profits of   served as a founding trustee of the art   (1867-1898)。1865年,Nickerson 獲選成
           his liquor business into a more reputable career   Institute of Chicago and a prime initiator in the   為芝加哥城市馬拖式鐵路公司總裁,即後
           as a banker, as founder, vice president (1865-  development of both the Chicago historical   來的芝加哥城市鐵路公司。事業有成,讓
           1867) and then, president of the First national   society and Lincoln park. In 1900, upon his   Nickerson 成功創富,因而得以盡情享受
           bank (1867-1898). he was elected president of   retirement from the bank and a planned move   生活及藝術收藏。
           the Chicago City horse railway company in 1865   to new York City, the nickersons presented the
           which later became the Chicago City railway   art Institute of Chicago with more than 1,300
           company. the affluence that resulted from these   works of art, including the present selection   在文化事業方面,Nickerson 與其妻
           prominent positions allowed him to indulge his   of jades. Like many wealthy collectors of the   Matilda 合作無間。1881年,二人聘請芝
           passion for art.                                                   加哥著名建築師 Edward J. Burling (1819-
                                            time, the nickersons purportedly acquired
           In this cultural quest, he had an important ally in   their asian works of art during several world   1892)以及三位室內設計師聯手計劃建造
           his wife née matilda pinkham Crosby (1837-1912).   tours that included Japan, China, and India. the   了一棟家族宅邸。1883年其宅落成之時,
           In 1881, the couple hired one of Chicago’s most   original nickerson gift included Imperial Chinese   據說是芝加哥最大、最豪華之私人宅府。
           prominent architects, edward J. Burling (1819–  porcelains and jades that were frequently   該宅現為德里豪斯博物館。Nickerson 伉
           1892) along with three interior designers to plan,   exhibited in the galleries. the nickersons were   儷曾親身參與大宅設計,特別在其藝術收
           build and decorate a massive new home for the   closely involved with the installation of the   藏之陳設方面,更是關注密切。二人的品
           family. nickerson house, known as the ‘marble   galleries that bore their name. For years, mrs.   味獨特,不依成規,融合十九世紀西方畫
           palace’, was reported to be the largest and most   nickerson personally oversaw the periodic   作、版畫和素描,以及十八、十九世紀亞
           extravagant private residence in Chicago at the   cleaning and rearranging of the art in the
           time of its completion in 1883. now the Driehaus   galleries. In addition to the art, samuel nickerson   洲裝飾藝術如中國瓷器、日本瓷器、日本
           museum, the building has been meticulously   provided a generous endowment to the museum   印籠、根付及其他漆器;印度珠寶;莫臥
           renovated in order to highlight its Gilded age   in 1915. the extraordinary group of jades on   兒玉器;以及中國玉器珍藏,兼收並蓄,
           splendor. the nickersons were very involved in   offer from the nickerson Collection provides   紛呈可觀。
           the design of the house, particularly concerning   an opportunity to engage a new generation of
           the display of their art collection. their taste   connoisseurs and collectors, and ensures that   二人對藝術之熱愛,亦延伸至慈善事
           was eclectic, combining 19th century Western   the nickerson legacy will endure.
                                                                              業。Nickerson 乃芝加哥藝術博物館創院
                                                                              色藝術珍品。1900年,Nickerson 正式退休
                                                                              館時常展出之品。Nickerson 伉儷還曾參
                                                                              與以其命名之展館設計,Nickerson 夫人
                                                                              置。除了捐贈藏品之外,Nickerson 還於
                                                                              特別呈獻 Nickerson 伉儷珍藏之美玉,望

           photo of the nickerson Galleries, art Institute of Chicago, circa 1900
           Courtesy of the richard h. Driehaus museum archives.
           Nickerson 展館,芝加哥藝術博物館,約1900年
           圖片版權:the richard h. Driehaus museum archives

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