Page 169 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
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            A WHITE AND SPINACH-GREEN         A RUSSET AND GRAYISH CELADON      明 / 清   玉雕仿古鐘
            JADE RETICULATED PARFUMIER        JADE BELL                         來源
            QING DYNASTY                      MING / QING DYNASTY
                                                                                Chester D. Tripp (1882-1974) 收藏
            of slim cylindrical form, finely carved with   of flattened archaistic form with a curved base,   1973年贈予芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加哥,
            florets forming an openwork diaper pattern, all   both sides with the top half with three rows of   館藏編號1973.814
            between bands of keyfret at the rim and foot,   raised bosses against incised keyfret, divided
            the stone of an even milky tone, the reticulated   by a vertical band enclosing pairs of ‘comma’
            peony-form cover and base, both of deep   scroll motifs, the lower half with a broad frieze
            spinach-green stone (2)           of stylized scrolls on a leiwen ground, the stone
            height 7 in.,17.8 cm              mottled with russet and gray
                                              height 3⅜ in., 8.5 cm
            Collection of Katherine s. Buckingham (1858-
            1937).                            Collection of Chester D. tripp (1882-1974).
            Gifted to the art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,   Gifted to the art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
            in 1925 (acc. no. 1925.1364).     in 1973 (acc. no. 1973.814).
                                              Chester D. tripp was a mining and metallurgical
            $ 8,000-12,000
                                              engineer and president of the Consolidated
                                              Coppermines Corporation until it was acquired
            清   白玉透雕錦紋香筒連                     in 1959. Upon his death, an endowment
            碧玉蓋及座                             fund was established to support the oriental
                                              Institute at the University of Chicago.
            Katherine S. Buckingham (1858-1937) 收藏   $ 6,000-8,000

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