Page 173 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 173

            A QUADRILOBED SPINACH-GREEN       清十八 / 十九世紀   碧玉雕夔龍紋
            JADE VASE                         龍耳四方圓角瓶
            QING DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH
            CENTURY                           來源
                                              Janis H. Palmer (1917-1984) 收藏
            the slender baluster-form body rising from a   1986年贈予芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加哥,
            short splayed foot to a waisted neck, flanked   館藏編號1986.957
            by a pair of reticulated archaistic dragon scroll
            handles, finely carved around the body with
            a frieze of two pairs of confronting kuilong
            divided by leafy florets, the neck encircled
            by pendent blades issuing from a register of
            concentric circles below keyfret at the rim, the
            stone a deep green marbled with paler opaque
            inclusions and faint black flecking
            height 5½ in., 13.9 cm
            Collection of Janis h. palmer (1917-1984).
            Gifted to the art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
            in 1986 (acc. no. 1986.957).
            $ 10,000-15,000


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