Page 18 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 18


           A BLUE AND WHITE VASE,           which, in turn, allowed greater freedom in the   明嘉靖   青花纏枝牡丹紋玉壺春瓶
           YUHUCHUNPING                     interpretation of prescribed designs. such new-
           JIAJING MARK AND PERIOD          found freedom is epitomized by the present   《大明嘉靖年製》款
                                            vase in its unorthodox rendering of the floral   來源
           elegantly potted, the pear-shaped body rising   band that frames the peony scroll, and the   傳 Arthur Gilstrap Soames (1854-1934) 收藏
           from a short slightly tapered foot to a waisted   pointed lappet band at the neck.
           neck and everted rim, painted in rich tones of   Vases of this type are held in important   大英帝國官佐勳章持有者 A. Granville
           underglaze-blue with a peony scroll encircling   museums and private collections worldwide: a   Soames 上尉 (1886-1962 ) 收藏
           the body, framed above and below by bands   closely related example in the palace museum,   謝菲爾德蘇富比,阿克菲爾德,索塞克斯
           of alternating lappets and florets, the neck   Beijing, is illustrated in The Complete Collection   郡,1954年3月8日,編號40
           painted with two registers of lotus scroll,   of Treasures in the Palace Museum. Blue and   英國私人收藏
           divided by horizontal lines and upright lappets,   White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (II),
           the foot with a band of keyfret, the base with a   hong Kong, 2000, pl. 83; one in the shanghai
           six-character mark in underglaze blue within a   museum, shanghai is published in Lu minghua,
           double circle                    Mingdai guanyao ciqi [Imperial porcelain of the
           height 12⅜ in., 31.4 cm
                                            ming dynasty], shanghai, 2007, pl. 1-51; and
                                            another in the museum of oriental Ceramics,
                                            osaka, was included in the museum’s
           probably Collection of arthur Gilstrap soames   exhibition Blue and White in the East Asia,
           (1854-1934).                     osaka, 1997, cat. no. 15. see also an example
           Collection of Captain a. Granville soames,   in the huaihaitang Collection, exhibited in
           o.B.e. (1886-1962).              Imperial Porcelain of the Mid to Late Ming, art
           sotheby’s sheffield park, Uckfield, sussex, 8th   museum, the Chinese University of hong Kong,
           march 1954, lot 40.              hong Kong, 2012, cat. no. 35; one illustrated
           english private Collection.      in regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the
           While following in the tradition of the early   Meiyintang Collection, London, 2010, vol. 4,
           15th century in both form and design, this   pt. 1, pl. 1693; and another from the collection
           vase displays the creative freedom enjoyed   of e. hultmark, illustrated in L. reidemeister,
           by craftsmen active at Jingdezhen during the   Ming-Porzellane in Schwedischen Sammlungen,
           Jiajing reign. a period marked by economic   Berlin, 1935, pl. 19a.
           prosperity and great luxury at court, porcelain   For the prototype of this form and design, see
           production in the ming experienced a last   a vase attributed to the Yongle reign, in the
           flowering under Jiajing. In order to fulfill a   British museum, London, illustrated in Jessica
           significantly increased demand for imperial   harrison-hall, Ming Ceramics in the British
           porcelain, private kilns at Jingdzhen were   Museum, London, 2001, pl. 3:17.
           employed alongside the imperial kilns. this
           required a greater tolerance by the Imperial   $ 80,000-120,000
           household Department in quality control

                                    sheffield park house
                                    matt Gibson/Loop ImaGes/Getty Images

           16      SOTHEBY’S          Important ChInese art
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