Page 21 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 21
propertY From an amerICan prIVate the present bowl was originally one of a pair, 清康熙 寶石紅釉盌
CoLLeCtIon sent by K.K. Chow to Bluett’s in London on
A RARE RED-GLAZED BOWL commission in the 1930s. one bowl was sold 《宣德年製》仿款
to alfred and Ivy Clark, and the other to sir
alan Barlow (1881-1968) and is today in the
the deep rounded sides rising from a tapered ashmolean museum, oxford, illustrated in K.K. Chow,上海,1930年代(一對之其一)
foot to a slightly flared rim, covered overall in a michael sullivan, Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes Bluett & Sons., Ltd.,倫敦,1934年10月22日
vibrant rich copper-red glaze thinning to white and Jades in the Collection of Sir Alan and Lady 艾佛瑞 (1873-1950) 及艾薇 (1890/1-1976)•
at the rim, the base reserved in a white glaze Barlow, London, 1963, pl. 132b. at the time, the 克拉克伉儷收藏
with a bluish tint, incised with an apocryphal pair was considered ‘Xuande mark and period’, 倫敦蘇富比1975年3月25日,編號143
four-character Xuande mark and both bowls were exhibited and published 展覽
Diameter 4⅞ in., 12.4 cm as such; the present bowl in the 1935 royal
academy exhibition; and the Barlow bowl in 《中國藝術國際展覽會》, 英國皇家藝術
PROVENANCE the exhibition of Monochrome Porcelain of the 學院, 倫敦, 1935年,編號1513
K.K. Chow, shanghai, 1930s (one of a pair). Ming and Manchu Dynasties, oriental Ceramic 《Exhibition of Chinese Art》,曼徹斯特美
Bluett & sons., Ltd., London, 22nd october society, London, 1948, cat. no. 73; and in The 術館,曼徹斯特,1936年,編號303
1934. Arts of the Ming Dynasty, oriental Ceramic
Collection of alfred (1873-1950) and Ivy society, London, 1957, cat. no. 102. By the
(1890/1-1976) Clark. 1975 auction in our London rooms, Important
sotheby’s London, 25th march 1975, lot 143. Chinese Ceramics from the Clark Collection,
the present bowl had been re-attributed to the
EXHIBITED Kangxi period.
International Exhibition of Chinese Art, royal $ 20,000-30,000
academy of arts, London, 1935, cat. no. 1513.
Exhibition of Chinese Art, City art Gallery,
manchester, 1936, cat. no. 303.