Page 206 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 206


           propertY From the CoLLeCtIon oF           Guan wares were made in very small numbers, and the
           roBert YoUnGman                           present bowl is an extremely rare example. the unctuous
           A RARE SMALL ‘GUAN’ MALLOW-FORM BOWL      glaze of the present bowl with its pleasing texture was
           SOUTHERN SONG - MING DYNASTY              achieved through the gradual application of multiple glaze
                                                     layers and successive firings. the distinct crackling was
           the thinly potted body with rounded sides rising from a   caused by different degrees of shrinkage between the glaze
           narrow tapering foot to a flaring rim notched into six lobes,   and body material, produced by a well-controlled cooling
           covered overall with a thick opaque glaze of grayish blue-  process after the last firing and subsequent staining.
           green color, suffused with a matrix of dark gray and pale   related bowls attributed to the southern song dynasty
           golden crackles, ending neatly at the foot revealing the dark   include two examples in the national palace museum,
           brown body, the recessed base also glazed  taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of
           Diameter 4½ in., 11.1 cm                  Sung Dynasty Kuan Ware, hong Kong, 1989, cat. nos 106
                                                     and 107, and three examples of six-petal rimmed bowls of
                                                     slightly smaller size illustrated in Selection of Ge Ware, The
           mathias Komor, new York, may 1950.        Palace Museum Collection and Archaeological Discoveries,
           Collection of pauline (1910-2000) and myron s. Falk, Jr.   Beijing, 2017,
           (1907-1992).                              pls 31-33.
           Christie’s new York, 20th september 2001, lot 112.
                                                     $ 80,000-120,000
           Neolithic to Ming, Chinese Objects- The Myron S. Falk   南宋至明   官窰葵式盌
           Collection, smith College museum of art, ma, 1957,
           cat. no. 22.                              來源
           Inaugural Exhibition of the Robert F. Reiff Gallery of Asian Art,   Mathias Komor,紐約,1950年5月
           middlebury College museum of art, middlebury, Vermont,
           september 2005.                           Pauline (1910-2000) 及 Myron S. Falk, Jr. (1907-1992) 收藏
           robert p. Youngman, The Five Famous Imperial Wares of the   《Neolithic to Ming, Chinese Objects- The Myron S. Falk
           Song Dynasty, self-published, 2000, pp. 22-23.
                                                     《Inaugural Exhibition of the Robert F. Reiff Gallery of
                                                     Asian Art》,明德大學藝術博物館,米德爾堡,佛蒙
                                                     羅伯特•楊門,《The Five Famous Imperial Wares of
                                                     the Song Dynasty》,2000年,頁22-23

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