Page 211 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 211

            DEEP BOWL
            JIN DYNASTY
            the steep rounded sides rising from a short
            tapered foot to a groove below the lipped rim,
            the interior freely carved with five cresting
            waves amid further swirling water, the
            undulating movement enhanced with crisply
            combed arced lines, the exterior with an incised
            triple-line band below the rim, covered overall
            with a lustrous olive-green glaze, pooling to a
            dark green in the recesses, a ring to the interior
            and the foot ring unglazed revealing the pale
            gray body
            Diameter 7¼ in., 18.4 cm
            Bowls of this distinctive form were created to
            be used as warmers. the depth of the basin
            and unglazed central ring were specific features
            designed to accommodate a wine ewer. see a
            closely related foliate-motif bowl with its ewer
            in the palace museum, Beijing, published in
            The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
            Palace Museum. Porcelain of the Song Dynasty
            (I), hong Kong, 1996, pl. 102, together with a
            slightly smaller bowl, pl. 103.
            another bowl of this type, in the tokyo national
            museum, tokyo, was included in the exhibition
            The Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, osaka
            museum of oriental Ceramics, osaka, 1997,
            cat. no. 96 along with a fragment of a bowl with
            the same wave pattern as the present example,
            from the Yaozhou Ware museum, ibid., cat.
            no. 169. see also a kiln waster consisting of a
            similar bowl with remains of a second, smaller
            bowl inside it, excavated from the kiln site and
            illustrated in The Yaozhou Kiln Site of the Song
            Period, Beijing, 1998, col. pl. 3, fig. 2, together
            with fragmentary bowls of this form with
            different incised designs, pls 30 and 31.
            $ 30,000-50,000

            金   耀州窰青釉刻劃水波紋大盌

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