Page 220 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 220


           A FINELY MOLDED ‘DING’ ‘PEONY’ DISH       formerly in the Ugarte Collection was exhibited at mostra
           NORTHERN SONG / JIN DYNASTY               d’arte Cinese. [exhibition of Chinese art], Venice, 1954, cat.
                                                     no. 544, later sold in our London rooms, 13th march 1973,
           the angled sides flaring to a six-lobed rim from a broad base   lot 108 and now in the matsuoka museum of art, tokyo.  see
           and supported on a short straight foot, crisply molded to the   also a mold with very similar decoration, dated to the sixth
           interior with an intricate array of peony sprigs comprised   year of taihe in the Jin Dynasty, corresponding to the year
           of four leafing blossoms and buds encircling a fifth lush   1206 a.D., illustrated in Chugoku Toji Zenshu [Complete
           bloom, enclosed by six further sprays of flowering peony   Book of Chinese Ceramics], vol. 9, Kyoto, 1981, pl. 130, and
           divided by slender fillets, the reverse undecorated, covered   the modern replica ibid, pl. 160.
           overall in a translucent ivory white glaze subtly pooling in the   a nearly identical dish, with the same molded pattern and
           recesses emphasizing the decoration and with characteristic   size, from the edward t. Chow Collection, was sold in these
           teardrops on the underside, the rim silver bound  rooms, 30th march 2006, lot 31. Compare also a ‘Ding’ bowl
           Diameter 8⅝in., 22 cm
                                                     from the estate of rose D. seligsburg molded with a central
           the molded decoration on the present dish is particularly   floral medallion surrounded by six shaped panels enclosing
           well defined, giving the piece a rich texture and three-  flower sprays, sold in these rooms, 13th march 1975, lot
           dimensional feel. although the peony motif is widely found   241; another one of conical form, sold in these rooms, 6th
           on ‘Ding’ wares, the present dish is unusual in that the design   november 1981, lot 183; and one sold in our London rooms,
           is divided into separate panels around a central meandering   21st June 1983, lot 446.
           stem. a lobed dish of similar angle-waisted form but molded
           on the interior with a single peony spray enclosed by a   $ 150,000-200,000
           scrolling stem, is illustrated in the national palace museum,
           Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Ting Ware White   北宋 / 金   定窰白釉印牡丹紋花式盤
           Porcelain, taipei, 1987, pl. 78; and a related lobed bowl

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