Page 27 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 27
propertY From the CoLLeCtIon oF Bowls of this type were produced in both 清康熙 青花團龍紋盃
roBert YoUnGman underglaze blue, as seen here, and in
A FINE BLUE AND WHITE ‘DRAGON underglaze copper-red. examples in cobalt blue 《大清康熙年製》款
MEDALLION’ CUP include a pair from the collection of stephen 來源
Junkunc III, sold at Christie’s new York, 21st
KANGXI MARK AND PERIOD september 1995, lot 215; another sold in our 香港蘇富比2000年10月30日,編號183
hong Kong rooms, 3rd may 1994, lot 160; and 展覽
finely potted, the U-shaped sides set over
a straight foot and rising to an everted rim, one sold twice in our London rooms, first on 《Inaugural Exhibition of the Robert F. Reiff
the exterior finely painted in cobalt blue with 18th november 1998, lot 868, and then again Gallery of Asian Art》,明德大學藝術博物
five writhing five-clawed dragons, each with 15th may 2013, lot 166. 館,米德爾堡,佛蒙特州,2005年9月
a sinuous body coiling to form a roundel, For related ‘dragon medallion’ bowls painted in
the scales, whiskers, and outlines minutely underglaze red, see an example in the collection
described, the interior with a similarly painted of the national palace museum, taipei, included
central medallion dragon, the base with a six- in Catalog of the Special Exhibition of K’ang-Hsi,
character mark in underglaze blue within a Yung-Cheng and Ch’ien-Lung Porcelain Ware
double circle from the Ch’ing Dynasty in the National Palace
Diameter 3½ in., 8.8 cm Museum, national palace museum, taipei,
1986, cat. no. 7; another in the meiyintang
PROVENANCE Collection published in regina Krahl, Chinese
sotheby’s hong Kong, 30th october 2000, Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol.
lot 183. 2, London, 1994, pl. 723; and one sold in our
London rooms, 9th november 2005, lot 310.
Inaugural Exhibition of the Robert F. Reiff Gallery $ 40,000-60,000
of Asian Art, middlebury College museum of art,
middlebury, Vermont, september 2005.