Page 32 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 32


           propertY From an Important amerICan   pine trees and small tufts of foliage emerging   清康熙   鬥彩獻壽圖八方葵口
           prIVate CoLLeCtIon               from varying sized rockwork, one jardinière   大花盆一對
           A RARE PAIR OF LARGE DOUCAI      with the deities in varying poses, the other with
           OCTAGONAL ‘IMMORTALS’            alternating portrayals of shou Lao either seated   《大清康熙年製》款
           JARDINIERES                      or standing, the flat rim with boughs of camellia   來源
                                            issuing lush flowers among tender leaves, the
           KANGXI MARKS AND PERIOD          base with a further floral border above a diaper   克利夫蘭藝術博物館,克利夫蘭
                                            pattern, the interior partially glazed and with a   紐約佳士得2000年9月21日,編號358
           each sturdily potted with flaring sides rising   large circular aperture for drainage, inscribed
           from a conforming splayed base to a wide
           everted, lipped and barbed rim, the gently   with a six-character mark in underglaze blue
                                            under the rim, with metal liners and wood
           curving sides divided neatly into eight   stands (6)
           rectangular panels, brilliantly enameled   Width 22¼ in., 56.5 cm
           with finely painted scenes depicting Daoist
           Immortals receiving auspicious offerings   PROVENANCE
           from young acolytes, all amid swirling   Cleveland museum of art, Cleveland.
           celestial clouds and symbols of longevity   Christie’s new York, 21st september 2000,
           including dishes and baskets laden with large
           ripe peaches, cranes with precious objects   lot 358.
           suspended from their pointed beaks, deer with   $ 300,000-500,000
           stalks of lingzhi, elegant ruyi scepters, towering

           30      SOTHEBY’S          Important ChInese art
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