Page 317 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 317
propertY From a CanaDIan prIVate examples of similarly engraved floral bowls 清乾隆 茶色料磨花盌
CoLLeCtIon from the Qianlong period are known including:
A RARE ENGRAVED TRANSLUCENT a translucent blue glass bowl from the plesch 《乾隆年製》款
AMBER GLASS ‘FLORAL’ BOWL Collection sold at Christie’s London, 16th 來源
QIANLONG MARK AND PERIOD november 1998, lot 290; a blue glass bowl with 1980年代之前得於澳門
blossoming narcissus sold at Christie’s hong Kong,
with steep rounded sides rising to a flaring 27th april 1997, lot 14; and a third sold in our hong
rim, the exterior delicately engraved with a Kong rooms, 14th november 1990, lot 439.
leafy boughs of flowering camellia issuing For related amber glass examples with similar
blossoms and tender buds, with a pair of engraved designs, see a cup from the palace
fluttering butterflies and an insect above, the museum, Beijing, illustrated in Luster of Autumn
base incised with a four-character mark within Water, Glass of the Imperial Workshop, Beijing,
a double square 2005, pl. 113, and another cup, from the
Diameter 4⅞ in., 12.4 cm collection of Walter and phyllis shorenstein,
illustrated in A Chorus of Colors, Chinese Glass
From Three American Collections, asian art
acquired in macau prior to the 1980s. museum of san Francisco, san Francisco, 1995,
cat. no. 32, and later sold at Christie’s hong
Kong, 1st December 2006, lot 2916. see also
a transparent pale yellow glass cup of similar
shape engraved in diamond point with lilies
and a butterfly, with a Yongzheng mark, in the
andrew K.F. Lee Collection, and illustrated in
Elegance and Radiance, the art museum, the
Chinese University of hong Kong, hong Kong,
2000, cat. no. 97.
$ 7,000-9,000