Page 70 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 70
In form and decoration, the present moonflask draws the design of the present flask with a frontal dragon is
inspiration from early ming dynasty prototypes, a period very rare. examples of this type with a Qianlong seal mark
traditionally recognized as among the greatest for the include: one in the shanghai museum, shanghai, illustrated
production of Imperial blue and white porcelain. For an in Qingdai ciqi jianding [appraisal of Qing porcelain],
early ming dynasty moonflask of more oblate form, lacking shanghai, 1994, pl. 159; another with the dragon clutching
handles and the dragon in profile, see one from the Qing the pearl, from the Wang Xing Lou Collection, is published in
Court Collection in the palace museum, Beijing illustrated Imperial Perfection. The Palace Porcelain of Three Chinese
in Geng Baochang, ed., Gugong bowuyuan cang Ming chu Emperors, hong Kong, 2004, pl. 20, a third flask with very
qinghua ci [early ming blue-and-white porcelain in the palace similar decoration but on a splayed foot sold in our hong
museum], vol. 1, Beijing, 2002, pl. 89. another early ming Kong rooms, 3rd april 2018, lot 3204. Compare also a larger
dynasty example with a flattened spherical body and bulb version, set with chilong handles, sold in our London rooms,
mouth from the collections of edward t. Chow and t.Y. 7th november 2007, lot 407.
Chao, included in the exhibition Zhongguo ming tao Riben moonflasks painted with a slightly different design, for
xunhui zhan [exhibition of famous Chinese ceramics touring instance, with the frontal dragon reserved in a central
Japan], national museum of history, taipei, 1992, pls 118-121 roundel, are also known. see one in the palace museum,
is illustrated on the slip case and again in Sotheby’s: Thirty Beijing, from the Qing Court Collection, published in The
Years in Hong Kong, 2003, hong Kong, pl. 205.
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Blue
ming dynasty moonflasks began to be copied on a large and white Porcelain with Underglazed Red (III), hong Kong,
scale in the Yongzheng period (1723-35), when the whole 2000, pl.132, where the piece is mentioned in reference
repertoire of Yongle forms was reproduced. the Yongzheng to a Qianlong order of 1738 to copy a Xuande blue and
versions generally follow the ming shapes rather closely, white flask. two Qianlong flasks of this design sold in our
either with little or no foot, similar to the present example, hong Kong rooms, one 29th october 2001, lot 543 and the
or with a central raised boss or garlic-head mouth. During other 8th october 2009, lot 1701. see also a blue and white
the Qianlong reign (1736-95), the potters of the Imperial moonflask with dragons in profile sold in our London rooms
kilns appear to have been more interested in diversifying 6th november 2013, lot 16.
handle shapes than the vessel’s silhouette. It was during this although no other examples of ‘dragon’ moonflasks lacking
time that handles in the form of archaistic animals, birds, a Qing dynasty reign mark appear to be known, there are
and plants were applied to moonflasks. even the painting many examples of unmarked ming-style moonflasks. For
style of the early ming period was consciously recreated example, see the moonflask painted with birds on a flowering
during the Qing dynasty. the porcelain painters of the 18th branch formerly the collection of richard de la mare, then
century were so enamored with the appearance of early the su Lin an Collection and, most recently the meiyintang
15th century blue and white that they developed a special Collection, sold three times: first in our London rooms, 2nd
painting manner to imitate the accidental imperfections of april 1974, lot 369; then twice in our hong Kong rooms, 31st
their models, namely by recreating the so-called ‘heaped and october 1995, lot 325 and again 7th april 2011, lot 76. see
piled’ effect of darker spots of cobalt blue through deliberate also a ‘peony’ moonflask sold in these rooms, 24th march
uneven dotting.
2018, lot 1522.
68 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art