Page 72 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 72
propertY From an Important prIVate CoLLeCtIon 清康熙 豇豆紅釉菊瓣瓶
KANGXI MARK AND PERIOD Parish, Watson & Co.,紐約(標籤)
Sarah Mae (Maisie) Cadwell Manwaring Plant Hayward
exquisitely potted, the elegant ovoid body tapering to a Rovensky 夫人(1878-1956)收藏
short, slightly convex foot rim, the lower section encircled 沃茲沃思學會收藏,哈特福,康州,1957年由 John
by a row of slender, upright chrysanthemum petals, molded Rovensky 先生捐贈,以緬懷其夫人
and incised in low relief, swelling to a tall, cylindrical neck
and flaring rim, applied overall with a vitreous and lush 紐約佳士得2009年9月15日,編號447
dusty-rose colored glaze with blush-red flecking, the interior 徐展堂(靜觀堂)收藏
mottled with pale to bright green speckles, the rim and base
reserved in white, the base inscribed with a six-character
mark in underglaze-blue
height 8½ in., 21.5 cm
parish, Watson & Co., new York (label).
Collection of mrs. sarah mae (maisie) Cadwell manwaring
plant hayward rovensky (1878-1956).
Collection of the Wadsworth athenaeum, hartford,
Connecticut, donated in 1957 by mr. John rovensky in
memory of his wife.
Christie’s new York, 15th september 2009, lot 447.
Collection of t. t. tsui, Jingguantang Collection.
$ 300,000-400,000
70 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art