Page 87 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 87
Compare a Qianlong period green-ground vase in the 清嘉慶 綠地粉彩八吉祥紋賁巴壺一對
shanghai museum, illustrated in Qian Zhenzong, Qingdai
ciqi shangjian [appreciation of Qing dynasty porcelain], 《大清嘉慶年製》款
shanghai, 1994, pl. 148; and another sold at Christie’s
London, 6th november 2006, lot 230. a Qianlong mark and 來源
period ruby-ground version, also lacking the drum-shaped 尼古拉大公收藏,彼得格勒,1917年
section below the mouth, was published in Treasures of William Boyce Thompson (1869-1930) 收藏,
Official Porcelain. Official Kiln Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 此後家族傳承
Collected by Hangzhou Tu Huo Zhai Museum of Antique
Ceramics, hangzhou, 2011, pl. 133.
William Boyce thompson (1869-1930) was an american
mining engineer, financier, philanthropist and founder of
newmont mining, today the world’s second-largest producer
of gold. thompson visited russia before the revolution,
and again in 1918, just after the tumultuous uprising,
where he served as a member of the american red Cross
relief mission that also hoped to encourage formation of
a democratic government in russia. During his lifetime,
thompson formed a significant collection of gems and
minerals, which upon his death was largely gifted to the
american museum of natural history, new York.
$ 50,000-70,000