Page 88 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 88


           propertY oF a north amerICan prIVate CoLLeCtIon  清嘉慶   綠地粉彩福壽三多番蓮紋長頸瓶
           A FAMILLE-ROSE LIME-GREEN GROUND          《大清嘉慶年製》款
           JIAQING SEAL MARK AND PERIOD              來源
           the spherical body rising to a tall cylindrical neck, densely   香港蘇富比1988年5月18日,編號275
           painted in bright and colorful enamels, the body decorated
           with large lotus blossoms below the ‘three abundances’
           flanked by bats entwined with colorful foliate scrolls amidst
           cloud wisps, a yellow-ground collar of alternating ruyi and
           bats interspersed with peaches at the shoulder, the neck
           painted with further lotus scrolling and auspicious chimes
           and jewels, the mouth with a band of blue scrollwork
           between gilt-painted borders and the foot encircled with
           colorful lappets, the base enameled in turquoise and
           inscribed with a six-character seal mark in iron red
           height 12¼ in., 31 cm
           sotheby’s London, 15th December 1987, lot 201.
           sotheby’s hong Kong, 18th may 1988, lot 275.
           $ 200,000-300,000

           86      SOTHEBY’S          Important ChInese art
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