Page 111 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 111


Fig. u. Cross sections of tomb No. 1, Shaogou, Luoyang,   Fig. 12. Drawing of heavenly realm, ceiling mural and
                                                          detail from tomb of Bo Qianqiu, Luoyang, Henan
Henan Province. Late Western Han dynasty.
                                                          Province. Late Western Han dynasty.

attendants, as well as dancers and musicians. Quite       innermost of the three outer coffins, lacquered a
different figurines were found in the guo's eastern       shining red, is painted with a divine mountain
and southern chambers. Images in this second              centered on the front panel and on one side,
group, exemplified by a male figure in the                flanked by auspicious animals and a heavenly being
exhibition (cat. 95), represent the household's           (fig. 9). Inside this third coffin is the "inner unit"
servants. These rigidly shaped standing figures were      of the burial, which preserved the woman's body
not arranged to form a large tableau; they were           both physically and symbolically: while the corpse
packed tightly in multiple layers along with cases of     was carefully wrapped in layers of cloth and tightly-
                                                          sealed in the innermost coffin, the likeness of the
household articles and food in the chambers. The          dead was preserved on the painted silk banner

servant figurines thus symbolized a particular kind       (fig. 10).
of household property, whereas the dancers and
musicians placed in the qin helped compose a self-        What we find in the Mawangdui tomb, therefore, is
contained representation of social life and space
inside the tomb.                                          a profound impulse to synthesize divergent beliefs
                                                          and desires into a single mortuary setting and hence
In the Mawangdui tomb the guo forms the                   into a single reality after death. Instead of
outermost of three encasements. Within the guo, the       establishing logical connections between these
central compartment is made up of a nest of three         beliefs, however, this synthesis was accomplished by
                                                          multiplying the layers of nested boxes inside the
outer coffins (fig. 7); these enclose the innermost
compartment, which is the coffin containing the           tomb. The result is an essentially "polycentric"
                                                          tomb, in which are represented four different realms
Awoman's body. painted silk banner overlies this          of the dead: the Universe (as shown in the silk
                                                          banner), the underworld (as shown on the
innermost coffin. All three outer coffins are
lacquered differently, signifying their different ritual  patterned black coffin), the immortal paradise (as
symbolism and forming a coherent pictorial                shown on the patterned red coffin), and the
                                                          underground household (as symbolized by the four
program. The outermost coffin, solid black,
                                                          peripheral chambers and their contents). The
separates the dead from the living (as well as from       relationship between these realms is by no means
the four outer compartments of the guo, which
                                                          clear. It seems (hat in their eagerness to express
imitate the world of the living). The second, also        their filial piety and to please the dead, the tomb
black, is decorated on all four sides with human,         builders provided all the answers they knew to
semihuman, and animal figures amid swirling cloud         questions about tiie afterlife,

patterns symbolizing qi ("universal energy"); the         But this polycentrism is exactly what makes ancient

deceased woman appears on the lower edge of the

front panel, half entered into this mysterious world

inhabited by strange beasts and spirits (fig. 8). The

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