Page 106 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 106

Fig. l. Diagram of tomb No. 7, Niiqiapo, Changzi,
Shanxi Province. Eastern Zhou period.

Fig. 2. Unfired day tomb figurines. Warring States period.

Niilangslian                                                                       Zhangqiu,  Shandong  Province.

—and Zhou dynasties gradually declined, and the                                                                    known collectively as "spirit articles" (mingqi).
                                                                                                                   Among these forms were grave figurines (muyong),
center of ancestral worship shifted from the lineage                                                               which increasingly became a regular component of
                                                                                                                   tomb furnishings during the middle and late
temple to the family graveyard, generating new                                                                     Eastern Zhou period, from the sixth to third

rites and ritual paraphernalia. Increasingly, tombs                                                                century bce. 1
were furnished not only with sacrificed humans
and animals and articles taken direcdy from the                                                                    This was a change with profound implications for
world of the living, but also with replicas and
representations made specifically for burial. The                                                                  art: the human bodies staffing the tomb were no
variety of forms manufactured for the afterlife were

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