Page 129 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 129

produce beautiful and flawless wares. Technological     Henan Province (cat. 132), close to the capital at
mastery gave free rein to creativity and allowed the    Kaifeng. They were made for the court for only
potters to concentrate on detail and subtle             some twenty years in the last two decades of the

variation. The most important ceramic wares ot the      eleventh and first years of the twelfth century. Only
Song all developed from the three basic types of
stoneware made in the Tang: those with green,           some sixty examples have survived today, but

clear, and black glazes.                                collectors have lamented their rarity for centuries.

Song shapes are almost invariably simple, functional,   RuMost  wares are accessories for the scholar's
and well proportioned. Song vessels tend to be
monochrome-glazed in subtle, rarely seen shades         desk, such as brush washers (low bowls for cleaning
rather than bright primary colors. Often they are
wholly undecorated, or have surfaces modestly           the writing or painting brush). They are extremely
enlivened by the faint tonal gradations created by
incised or carved designs, or by the random             simple, evenly and thinly potted, and almost
patterns formed by a crackle, the decorative crazing
of the glaze that can occur during the cooling          Ruinvariably undecorated.  wares are fully glazed

process after firing.                                   (including foot and base), having been placed in the

                                                        kiln on supports that left only minute so-called

                                                        sesame-seed marks on the glaze. The ware is

                                                        celebrated above all for its tactile glaze in varying

                                                        evocative shades of bluish and grayish green, usually

                                                        with a crackle. The comparison with well-polished,

                                                        well-colored, slightly veined jade is inevitable.

The most admired features of Song ceramics look         When the northern capital was captured by the Jin
as if they had come about naturally, without all the
effort and precision work that they in fact require.    invaders and the Song fled south in 1127, they set
Only an intimate familiarity with the properties of     up kilns at their new capital in present-day
all raw materials and a thorough understanding of       Hangzhou to make an "official" (guan) ware
                                                        (cat. 133) modeled on Ru. Using the different raw
their reactions during the firing cycle enabled         materials of the south, the potters came up with a
potters to manipulate them as they wished.              ware that appeals for the same reasons but looks
                                                        different, having a thicker, clearer glaze and a more
The appeal of perfected simplicity achieved
                                                        pronounced crackle. Guan and Ru wares represent
through exquisite craftsmanship is very subtle
indeed. Ceramic masterpieces of the Song were not       —the epitome of Chinese ceramics the

made for ostentatious display, but for handling by      transformation of earth as a medium into a
connoisseurs in an intimate, private setting. It was    substance deemed more beautiful and more
in the literati circles of the Song that ceramics were
first appreciated as works of art, that they were       precious than the most valuable materials.
deemed worth collecting, whether antique or new,
and worth handing down trom one generation to           Since these two wares could not easily be obtained
                                                        except by the imperial palace, their beauty was
the next.                                               emulated by other kilns. "Celadon," as green-glazed
                                                        stonewares are usually called in the West, was in fact
Although the preference for artifacts made of clay      in seemingly limitless supply. IS The Yaozhou kilns in
                                                        Shaanxi Province in the north were stylistically less
over precious metals or stones probably emanated        immediately dependent on Ru; their wares bear
                                                        swiftly incised, carved, or combed designs (cat. 130).
from the literati circles of the Song, where            But the Longquan kilns in Zhejiang Province in
                                                        the south clearly aimed at imitating Guan (cat. 134).
understatement was a celebrated virtue, the
                                                        Some Longquan celadons do this so successfully
Ofimperial court manifested a similar taste.  course,
                                                        that they were, and sometimes still are. mistaken for
not all the vast and varied Song wares were
                                                        Guan ware."'
officially appreciated, but some were made
                                                        Among the white wares are two remarkable types
Noexclusively for the court.  comparable
                                                        of similar quality and style: both have .1 finely
production of goods worked from gold or silver, or      potted white body; clear, translucent glaze: and
                                                        accomplished, swiftly carved designs. Ding ware
from jade or other stones exists for this period.       (cat. 131 and its predecessors, cats. [28, [29), from
                                                        Hebei Province in the north, has a characteristic
Through their absolute mastery of the technical         ivory-tinged glaze and was used at the court. But

process and their acute sense of aesthetic principles   the so-called qingbai ("bluish white'") ware, whu li
                                                        has a blue-tinged clear glaze (cat. 135) and came
the potters, none of whom is known by name, were
                                                        from fingdezhen injiangxi Province in the south,
able to manipulate their medium so sensitively and      was never highly appreciated, h was the Jingdezhen
                                                        kilns, however, that were lo establish a virtual
intelligently that they turned one of the most basic    monopoly on Chinese ceramics with their

— —raw materials earth into one of the most

precious commodities.

By tar the rarest and most desirable Chinese
ceramics of all times were and are the green-glazed

stonewares from the Ru kilns in Baofene county.

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