Page 171 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 171

Nobrush moved spiritedly, without urging.  ideas;        months because of his father's death and remained

—in other words, no intentions -just Zhu Yunming.        in mourning until spring of 1644, when he was

Wang Duo's large, standard-script (kaislui)              recalled to the same office. Unfortunately, before
transcription of poems by the Tang dynasty poet
Wang Wei (699-759) taps into a rather different          Wang could resume his duties the Ming dynasty
tradition (cat. 181). This is unusual writing by Wang    collapsed. Wang Duo wrote this transcription of
Duo, who is better known for the highly                  Wang Wei's poems in the late autumn of 1643,

individualistic style of semicursive and cursive         while staying with friends. Those were chaotic
calligraphy exhibited in the inscription at the left of
                                                         times, and one is tempted to read into Wang Duo's
the scroll, following his transcriptions. The poems
themselves are written in the unmistakable manner        adoption ofYan Zhenqing's style a statement of
of the great Tang calligrapherYan Zhenqing               dynastic loyalty and political resolve. Yet the two
(709—785), whose bold, assertive standard-script
writing has served as one of the canonical models        poems Wang chose to transcribe are largely
for calligraphers throughout the ages (fig. 11). Wang    celebrations of a reclusive lifestyle, and Wang's own
Duo, like Zhu Yunming, was a devoted student of
                                                         inscription at the end speaks not of the nation's ills
the art, and he avidly devoted himself to copying        but of the camaraderie of friends, the sweetness of
classical models. It is not surprising to find him       their wine, the clear sounds of a bubbling brook by
writing a rather diligent rendition ofYan                his window, and tomorrow's planned outing to
                                                         scenic spots. Viewed retrospectively, the writing is
Zhenqing's style. But Wang Duo was first and
foremost an individualist who commonly used the          even more curious, because Wang Duo would later
ancient models as a point of departure for his own
                                                         earn the unenviable historical reputation of a
Aexpressive means. more careful comparison is            turncoat: he was one of a number of high officials

merited, beginning with Yan Zhenqing.                    who joined in ignominious surrender to the

Yan's style is one of the most easily recognized of      Manchus, founders of the Qing dynasty
all Chinese calligraphers. The brush strokes are         (1644— 1911), and he immediately began to serve
muscular, the character compositions expansive.          under the new regime, resuming his position of
Not everyone appreciated this style of writing. For
example, Li Yu (r. 961-975), ruler of the Southern       Minister of Rites in the spring of 1646 (Wang's
                                                         official biography is listed in the section Er chen
—Tang kingdom, found Yan's calligraphy offensively
                                                         juan ["Officials who Served Two Houses"].) 20
direct "like an uncouth farmer facing forward
with arms folded and legs spread apart." 18 Almost       In the light of such infelicities, Wang Duo's copying
all, however, considered this confrontational style an
appropriate correlative to the larger-than-life image    of the Yan style begins to appear somewhat
Yan Zhenqing cast as a high minister of
unquestioned loyalty and courage. Yan Zhenqing           Aquestionable. closer look at Wang Duo's

was well known as a stalwart defender of the court       inscription confirms that he was not exclusively
and as a martyr who died at the hands of a would-
                                                         concerned with the state of the nation. He writes,
be usurper. This identification between the moral        "Few are those who attempt to write standard-
qualities ofYan Zhenqing and his forceful style of       script calligraphy on satin. One does not even find
writing was well ensconced by the eleventh               such a combination among the works of Xuanzai

century, when Ouyang Xiu (1007— 1072) announced          of Huating. ... In the future, upon opening this

that Yan's calligraphy resembled a loyal minister:       scroll, those who have made some progress in the
                                                         myart of calligraphy will certainly reject this [i.e.,
correct, severe, and serious. 19 And so it has been
                                                         writing], even wish to spit upon it. But what's to be
perceived through the later dynasties. Beginning
students of calligraphy are often given Yan              done???" Xuanzai is Dong Qichang.Wang Duo's
Zhenqing's writing as a model, no doubt in hopes
that some of the Tang minister's virtuous character      older contemporary and the dominant figure in the
would be passed along with his particular brush
                                                         world of calligraphy circa 1640. Whatever Wang
habits. Yan Zhenqing's style is so widely known that
                                                         Duo's initial inspiration for this essay in the Yan
one's immediate perception of any later rendition        Zhenqing style, it quickly became a personal
ot the Yan style is colored by associations of           challenge, an opportunity to do what tew, if any,
propriety, moral fortitude, and orthodoxy.
                                                         —had attempted before in other words, a forum for
That is precisely what makes Wang Duo's scroll so
interesting. In the 1620s and 1630s, Wing had served     the expression of Wang's individualism. The
                                                         decidedly unpolished quality ofWang Duo's
in high offices, culminating in his promotion to
                                                         writing here helps to explain his last modest
Minister of Rites in 1640. He retired after only two     remarks. At the same time, such self-deprecation

                                                         should not be taken seriously. One can imagine the

                                                         calligrapher being somewhat pleased with the
                                                         results, knobby strokes, bleeding ink, and all. This
                                                         calligraphy may not exactly be a work ot beauty.
                                                         but it certainly makes an impression; and that,
                                                         ultimately, was Wang Duo's goal.

                                                         The point here is not to question Wang Duo's
                                                         integrity or moral fiber, nor is it to accuse him of

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