Page 172 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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debasing the hallowed heritage ofYan Zhenqing. It

is, rather, to reveal some of the complexities

attending the practice of calligraphy in the later

dynasties. The weight of the tradition had become

so massive that the creative artist found himself

constantly negotiating with the landscape of the         2. Stories of individuals active  in Peiwenzhai shuhuapu,juau i,     erroneously recorded under
                                                                                           pp. nb-i2a, Siku quanshu ed.      Xie Lingyun's name in
past in an attempt to explore new territories of the    in the Eastern Han whose           (reprint, Shanghai: Shanghai       Huizong's Xuanhe shupu (juan
present. Wang Duo's appropriation and handling of                                          guji chubanshe, 19S7).             16) of circa 1120. In recent
                                                         writing was preserved by those
the Yan style so that this most familiar of images                                         8. Huang Tingjian,"Ba Wang        years both Xu Bangda and Qi
                                                        who read qualities of                                                Gong have both pointed out
became recast into something peculiarly                                                    Jinqing shu," in Shangu ji, Siku
                                                         personality into the calligraphy  quanshu ed.,juan 29, p. I9a-b.     that a changed character in one
appropriate to the circumstances of a late Ming                                                                              ot the verses may reflect the
                                                         are recounted by Lothar                                              avoidance of a character that
whohigh official  cultivated a distinctive voice is, I  Ledderose, Mi Fu and the           9. Chiang Yee, Chinese            was taboo in the early
                                                         Classical Tradition of Chinese                                      Northern Song period. By this
believe, the mark of an exceptional artist. Similarly,   Calligraphy (Princeton:           Calligraphy (reprint,              reasoning, the calligraphy
                                                         Princeton University Press,                                         would date from after 1012
ZhuYunming's delicate balancing act between              1979)- PP- 30-3I.                 Cambridge: Harvard University      (but somewhat before
                                                                                           Press, 1973), pp. 11-12.
propriety and wildness in his kuangcao, a balance        3. "For presenting the desires                                      XuHuizong's reign). See
                                                         of the inner heart and
achieved through the creative utilization of earlier    communicating that which           10. When Zhang Zhao was           Bangda, Gu shuhua weie kaobian
                                                         others do not comprehend,
styles, demonstrates how a great calligrapher could     nothing can compare with           found delinquent in his task of    (Nanjing: J langsu guji
                                                        words (yan). For spreading and                                        chubanshe, 1984), pp. 94-98;
                                                         explicating the affairs of the    helping to pacify the Miao
                                                        world, recording them for                                            and Qi Gong, "Jiu ti Zhang
rise to the challenge posed by an ancient debate        longevity and illuminating         tribe of the southwest in 1735
                                                        them far, making manifest that     and consequently ordered to       Xu caoshu gushi tie bian," in
and achieve a creative resolution.                      which cannot be seen of
                                                        antiquity and transmitting for a                                      Qi Gong conggao (Beijing:
                                                        thousand miles that which is       be executed, he was pardoned      Zhonghua shuju, 1981),
                                                        not understood, nothing can                                          pp. 90-100.
                                                        compare with writing (shu).        by Qianlong, owing, it is said,
                                                        Thus, words are the sounds of                                         15. The stele is titled "Record
Innovation in calligraphy is defined by creative        the heart. Writing is pictures of  to their mutual interest in       ot the Langguan Stone." See Su
engagement with tradition. Mastery of rules and                                                                              Shi, "Shu Tang shi liujia shu
methods is prerequisite, but must be conjoined with     the heart. By the forms of the     calligraphy. Zhang Zhao was       hou," in Su Shi wenji (reprint,
                                                                                                                             Beijing: Zhonghua shuju,
the confidence and ability to express one's own         sounds and pictures, superior      also an eminent painter at the
vision. Ultimately, what allows ZhuYunming's and        and lesser people are              Qing court and a prominent         1986), juan 69, p. 2206.
Wang Duo's calligraphy to succeed is not a              distinguished. Sounds and
                                                                                           figure in the compilation of       16. Huang Tingjian,"Ti
reprising of what others had done before, but the       —pictures by these, superior
palpable sense of two artists molding the past to suit                                     QmgShiqu baoji, the  imperial     Jiangben fatie," in Shanggu ji,
the needs of the present. In their works,               and lesser people move ones                                          juan 28, pp. iob-na.
calligraphy 's immediacy is once more confirmed.        feelmgs."Yang Xiong, Fa yan,       catalogue ot paintings and
                                                        juan 4, pp. 2b—3 a, in Han Wei                                        17. Fu, Traces oj the Brush,
                                                                                           calligraphy. Arthur Hummel,        pp. 214-15.
                                                        congshu, vol. 24 (Taipei:Yiwen
                                                        yinshuguan, 1967). It would        ed., Eminent Chinese of the        18. Dong Shi, Shu hi, Siku
                                                        appear that by "wnting,"Yang       Ch'ing Period (Washington,
                                                        Xiong is referring primarily to                                      quanshu ed.,juan 2, p. 6b.
                                                        the content of the written         D.C.: Library ot Congress,
                                                        word. In later times, however,                                        19. "Tang Yan Lugong shu Cao
                                                                                           1943), pp. 24-25.                 bei," in Ouyang Xiu, Ouyang
                                                        Yang Xiong's comment was                                             Kin quanji (reprint, Hong
                                                                                           11. Zhang Zhao's models for       Kong: Guanzhi shuju, n.d.),
                                                        clearly associated with the art    standard script were Dong         juan 6, p. 31. See also Ronald
                                                        of calligraphy.                    Qichang (1555-1636) andYan        Egan,"Ou-yang Hsiu and Su
                                                                                           Zhenqing (709-7S5). I am          Shih on Calligraphy," Harvard
                                                        4. Mi Fu,"Ba mige fatie," in                                         foumal ofAsiatic Studies 49,
                                                        Huang Bosi, Dongguan ynlim         referring here to the             no. 2 {December 1989), p. 372.

                                                        (reprint, Taipei: Guoli            meticulous manner in which        20. See Mingshui Hung's entry
                                                        zhongyang tushuguan, 1974),        Zhang Zhao writes, which
                                                        juan 1 , p. 46a—b.                 recalls that of the early Tang    on Wang Duo in L. Carnngton

                                                        5. The two scrolls are "Poems      writers.                          Goodrich, ed.. Dictionary of
                                                        Playtully Written and Presented
                  SOURCES FOR FIGURES                                                      12. Shen C.Y. Fu, Traces of the   Ming Biography (New York and
                                                        Myto Friends, About to             Brush (New HavemYale              London: Columbia University
                  Fig. 1 . After Smcai tuhui                                               University Art Gallery, 1977),
                                                        Embark forTiao Stream," in         p. 211, citing a colophon by      Press, 1976), vol. 2, pp. 1434—36.
                  (Taipei, 1970).                       the collection of the Palace       Zhu Yunming in which he
                                                        Museum, Beijing, and "Poems        discusses copying a range of
                  Fig. 3. After Gugong bowuyuan         on Sichuan Silk," in the           Jin, Tang, Song, and Yuan
                                                        collection of the National
                  cang lidai fashu xuanji. vol. 3       Palace Museum, Taipei. See         calligraphers.
                                                        Peter Sturman, Mi Fu: Style
                  (Beijing, 1982).                                                         13. Zhang Xu was celebrated as
                                                        and the Art of Calligraphy in
                  Fig. 6. After Gugong bowuyuan                                            one of the Eight Immortals of
                                                        Northern Song China (New
                  cang lidai fashu xuanji, vol. 3                                          Wine in Du Fus poem
                                                        Haven: Yale University Press,      "Yinzhong baxian ge," in Du
                  (Beijing, 1982).                       1997), chap. 2.
                                                                                           shi xiangzhu (Beijing:
                  Fig. 8. After Shodo zenshu,           6. Dong Qichang, Rongtai ji
                                                        (reprint, Taipei: Zhongyang        Zhonghua shuju, 1979), juan 2,
                  vol. 2, pi. 118 (Tokyo, 1954— 1961).                                     pp. 80-85. Other early sources
                                                        tushuguan, 1968), juan 4, p. 23b.  on Zhang Xu include Zhu
                  Fig. a. After Tang Zhang Xu                                              Changwen, Xu shu duan, juan
                                                        7. Suojing, "Caoshu zhuang,"       1, in Chugoku shown taikei
                  caoshu gushi sitic (Beijing,                                             (Tokyo: Nigensha shuppansha,
                                                                                           1977-92), vol. 4, pp. 403-4, and
                  1962).                                                                   Xuanhe shupu,juan 18, in
                                                                                           Chugoku shown taikei, vol. 6,
                  Fig. 10. After Gugong
                  bowuyuan cang lidai fashu                                                p. 47.

                  xuanji, vol. 1 (Beijing, 1982).                                          14. This scroll ot four
                                                                                           transcribed poems, two by Yu
                  Fig. li.Aftct Yan Zhenqing,                                              Xin {513-581) and two by Xie

                  vol. 5, pi. 241 (Beijing, 1985).                                         Lmgyun (385-433), is


                  1. Huainanzi zhuyi (reprint,
                  Taibei: Hualian chubanshe,
                  1968), p. 116.

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