Page 18 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 18


Romanization. Chinese is here transcribed according to the pinyin system of romanization adopted by

the People's Republic of China and now in general use. Sanskrit names and terms are transcribed using

full upper diacriticals but no lower diacriticals. Parenthetic C: and S: stand for "Chinese" and "Sanskrit,"


Names. All Chinese names are cited in traditional Asian fashion, surname followed by given name.

Dates. Following custom, Chinese emperors from antiquity to the beginning of the Ming dynasty are
referred to by the name of their dynasty followed by their posthumous names (e.g., Song Huizong, whose
personal name was Zhao Ji). Again following custom, emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties are
referred to by the auspicious name chosen by themselves for each of their reigns (e.g., the Xuande
["Far-Reaching Virtue"] emperor). Note that the reign-era (iiianliao) never exactly corresponded to the
dates of the reign itself, usually being proclaimed some months after the enthronement and continuing in
use until the successor, some time after his enthronement, proclaimed a new reign-era.
Ceramics. Chinese place-names changed frequently, usually reflecting political changes. Most ceramics are
conventionally called by the ancient names of the states, counties, or towns in or near which the principal
kilns were located (Cizhou ware.Yue ware), or by the site names of the first characteristic finds (Yangshao
ware). Names of other wares refer to their glaze color (e.g., qingbai, "bluish white," or sancai, "three-
colored"). Note that the gray-green, blue-green, or olive-green wares formerly differentiated as Northern

and Southern Celadons, Ru ware, and Guan ware are here all termed "green-glazed ware," as an indication

that they are all branches of a single stylistic and technological "family."

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