Page 20 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 20

in my personal capacity, I am delighted to offer         different ethnicities and cultural traditions, and 111
warm and heartfelt congratulations for the
                                                         so doing to build bridges of understanding and
exhibitions opening at the world-renowned
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and to                     trust. Although the various artistic treasures
anticipate its resounding success.
                                                         displayed in China: 5,000 Years are but a tiny portion
The exhibition China: 5,000 Years is aptly named,
for the more than two hundred Chinese cultural           of China's ancient artistic heritage, they are among

treasures here assembled range from extraordinary        the most representative and most expressive
and inspired creations of our prehistoric forebears
to objects of luxury and paintings dating from the       Myspecimens.  respected teacher, Professor Su Bai
reigns of the Yongzheng (r. 1723-1735) and
Qianlong (r. 1736-1795) emperors of the Qing             of Beijing University, and others have prepared
dynasty. Thirty-nine different cultural institutions
throughout China have made these treasures               excellent detailed comments and analyses. I am

available. Among the exhibits are a jade pig-dragon      therefore fully confident that through an

of the Hongshan culture in Liaoning Province             appreciation of these remarkable works of art,
(cat. 2), the extraordinary four-ram bronze zun of
Shang date from Hunan Province (cat. 23), and a          viewers will gain a clear and deep, albeit not
mwe-glazed octagonal bottle from the Famen
Temple in Shaanxi Province (cat. 125), as well as        comprehensive, impression of the Chinese people
stone carvings from a Song dynasty temple site in
Shaanxi Province (cat. 177), and Song, Yuan, Ming,       over five millennia, and of the breadth and depth of
and Qing dynasty paintings from the collections of
                                                         their history and culture.
the Shanghai Museum and the Palace Museum in
Beijing. Some of these national treasures of long-       Among the world's great civilizations, that of China

standing fame are being exhibited abroad for the         is unique in its continuity. The Mesopotamians or
                                                         the Mayans have no modern heirs, but modern
first time. I may therefore say without exaggeration
                                                         Chinese culture has demonstrably descended in an
that, for quality, size, comprehensiveness, and          unbroken line from its ancient roots. Chinese
                                                         culture is also remarkable in the degree to which
diversity of sources, China: 5,oooYears sets new         cultural differences, born of time and vast distance,
                                                         interpenetrated and catalyzed the development of a
standards for overseas exhibitions of Chinese            coherent and enduring Chinese culture. Like a
cultural relics. This is truly a magnificent show, and   mighty and luxuriant tree, China stands tall in the
                                                         forest of the world's peoples, surviving and thriving
those who see it will have reason to rejoice.            through five thousand years of winds and rains, a

As Chinese and American experts agreed, this             remarkable history that may not be well known in

exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum will focus           the West.

on the magnificent advances in the civilization of       In this exhibition one can see about thirty bronzes
the Chinese people over five millennia, as reflected
in culture and art. I strongly agree with this well-     from the Xia, Shang, and Zhou periods (21st-
conceived approach, and fully support its                5th c. BCE).They come from the nine provinces of
implementation. Although the appearance and
development of every art form are subject to the         Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan,
constraints of natural, social, and historical           Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Yunnan. The sites where
conditions, art, which expresses as well as nourishes    they were unearthed span a distance roughly equal
the essence of the human spirit, often epitomizes        to that between the east and west coasts of the
                                                         United States and a period of roughly fifteen
the starting and end-points of human development.        hundred years. In design, ornamentation, stylization,
                                                         and casting techniques these bronzes display
It transcends the limitations of era, country, and       dissimilarities ranging in degree from variations to
ethnicity, brings together all the dignity and pride     pronounced differences. The resulting richness
                                                         and diversity was occasioned not only by passage
of the human race, and demonstrates that most            of time and change of dynasties but also by
precious wisdom and capacity inherently possessed        differences in region and ethnicity. This richness
                                                         and diversity testifies to continuous progress in
by people. Hence, works of art can reflect the           social productivity, social structure, and social
continuity and variation of a cultural tradition, the    consciousness in Bronze Age China. Diversity of
internal meaning and outward manifestations of an        form and technique, however, was subsumed in a
era, and the internal character and spiritual qualities  commonality of function: the bronzes of this period
of a people. They do so in the profoundest and           all served as utensils for rituals and ceremonials
most diverse ways, from a wealth of perspectives,        (such as sacrifices and banquets) and as symbols of
and through the freshest and liveliest forms. For this   the social status of their users.
reason, works of art can also easily overcome the
constraints of time and space to communicate             So too with other types of artworks from other
knowledge and friendship between people of               periods of Chinese history; interpenetration and
                                                         continuity became a basic phenomenon of Chinese
                                                         cultural development. Such cultural intermingling
                                                         and merging demonstrate the influence and

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