Page 25 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 25

Painting and Calligraphy, Shanghai Museum;               potential. At the close of the twentieth century.
Christina Chu, Curator, Xubaizhai, The Hong              China is inhabited by 1.22 billion people, the
Kong Museum of Art; Xue Yongnian, Professor              largest population on earth; it occupies the fourth
of Art History, Central Academy of Fine Arts,            largest land mass of any country, and is the
Beijing; May-ching Kao, Professor of Fine Arts           projected superpower of the twenty-first century.
and Director, Art Museum, The Chinese                    China is also in the midst of historic transitions
University of Hong Kong; and Joan Lebold                 from a rural/agrarian- to an urban/manufacturmg-
Cohen, critic and author.
                                                         based society, and from a communist command
While one great achievement of China: 5,oooYears         economy to a capitalist market-based one. Its sheer
is to place the traditional and the modern into          size, potential, and history make it a force to be
adjacent contexts, they remain two distinct
                                                         reckoned with. Yet it is also a country whose char-
—stories one a reexamination of classical, dynastic      acter, culture, and traditions are still very much

Chinese art in terms of its innovative and               unfamiliar in the West.
transgressive tendencies; the other an account of
                                                         On both a political and an economic level, China's
modern Chinese art as a reflection of political
history and in terms of its attempt to sustain both      future demands a special relationship with the
classical and Western cultural vocabularies. Together    United States. The two countries are locked in an
they make a third story: five thousand years of con-     embrace that is everywhere in evidence. China
tinuous cultural history in China that continues to      sends 17 percent of its exports to the United

the present day.                                         States, and now holds over $130 billion in foreign-

The sheer scope of such an exhibition enterprise is,     currency reserves in the form of U.S. Treasury
of course, ambitious, and it carries with it many        bonds; American companies have more than
                                                         $20 billion invested in China; an estimated
challenges and contradictions. In its very title,        fifty thousand Chinese study at American colleges
                                                         and universities, constituting the single largest body
China: 5,000 Years poses many questions: Can any         of foreign students in the United States; more than
                                                         half a million American tourists visited China in
single exhibition legitimately explore five              1996; and fifteen million Americans are of Chinese
thousand years of any culture, let alone one as rich     ancestry. His Excellency Jiang Zemin, President of
                                                         the People's Republic of China, visited the United
as this? Does it make sense to link twentieth-           States last October, and the Honorable Bill Clinton,
                                                         President of the United States, is planning a state
century Chinese culture with forty-nine centuries        visit to China later this year. The growing need for
                                                         China and the United States to accommodate one
of "traditional" culture? Is the Guggenheim              another has created a simultaneous demand for
                                                         cultural engagement, and this was the major pre-
—Museum with its collections and expertise firmly        condition for the motivation, the will, and the
—rooted in twentieth-century Western art a legiti-       opportunities on both sides required to conceive
                                                         of and organize this exhibition.
mate organizer of such an event? How does the
                                                         On a more local level, another major precondition
narrative thread of this exhibition relate to the his-
tory of Chinese art as it is understood through the      for the exhibition was the nature of the evolving
weight of scholarship on Chinese history and art to
date, and through the Chinese objects exhibited          direction and focus of the Guggenheim Museum

and studied in museums in Taiwan, Europe, and            itself. During the past ten years, the Guggenheim
America? The answers to these questions will
inevitably be found in the exhibition itself. The        has experienced a significant transformation. With

importance of China: 5,000 Years will be a function      the renovation of its original Frank 1 loyd Wright
of its ability to present a fresh, incredibly rich, and
                                                         building, the construction of a new addition, and
provocative new chapter to the study of the cultural
                                                         the establishment of the Guggenheim Museum
history of China.
                                                         S0H0 in 1992, the Guggenheim Foundation broad
The story of the genesis and development of
                                                         ened its physical and programming base and estab
China: $,oooYcars as an exhibition project is itself an
extraordinary tale. That it is organized by, and         Newlished a strong position in  York City, or

shown in, the Guggenheim Museums in New York             the greatest cultural capitals 111 the world. This local

derives from a specific sequence of conditions and       expansion was supplemented In continued
circumstances favorable to such an enterprise, and
from the participation and commitment of a               improvements and a modest expansion .it the Pegg)

diverse and impressive group of individuals who are      Guggenheim Collection in Venice, and In the dra-

committed to China and to fostering international        matic completion and opening of the Guggenheim
understanding through cultural communication.
                                                         Museum Bilbao, a building designed by Frank
—The initial impulse for the project its primary
—motivation derives from the simple fact that            mamGehry that  critics are saying will take its

China is a country of deep traditions, extraordinary     place alongside the Frank I loyd Wright designed
achievement, startling paradoxes, and enormous
                                                         Gueeenheim in New York as one ol the two

INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                        23
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