Page 26 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 26

greatest buildings of the twentieth century. The           presented to critical acclaim at the Guggenheim
Bilbao opening was followed two weeks later by             Museum SoHo in 1994. For American audiences,
the opening of Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin.                 the material was fresh and sophisticated, related to
                                                           European attitudes but not derivative. The art
The Guggenheim is becoming a truly international           reflected Japanese culture and traditions, in a vocab-
museum not only in terms of buildings and loca-            ulary that was simultaneously recognizable and
tions, but also through an equally intense commit-         original. Various commentaries on the exhibition
ment to expanding its programming, reflected both          noted the "Japaneseness" of the material, and
in the growth of its permanent collection and in           pointed out that this was an art that had been
                                                           consistently ignored or overlooked by Western
the breadth and depth of its special exhibitions.          museums. For the Guggenheim, the project was
                                                           exhilarating. The task was to understand the
The original mission of the museum was to collect,
preserve, and present the art of the Modern and            narrative of postwar Japanese art not only as a
                                                           reflection of its immediate sociohistorical context,
contemporary periods. Nine superlative curators            but also in relation to the some three thousand
from three countries have dramatically expanded            years of cultural history that preceded it.
the scope of programming, with major
monographic exhibitions devoted to, among                  By late 1994, the stars were almost in alignment for
                                                           China: 5, 000 Years to become a reality. The skeletal
others, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes
                                                           —framework of the global Guggenheim and the
Oldenburg, and Robert Rauschenberg; important              —exhibition-organizing engine were largely in
historical exhibitions such as Tlie Great Utopia:
The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde, igi5-igj2, The         place. The concept of a far-reaching exhibition pro-
Italian Metamorphosis, ig43~ig68, Picasso and the Age      gram that included, every few years, an exhibition
of Iron, and Africa:The Art of a Continent; and
                                                           challenging the conventional direction of the
smaller, focused exhibitions such as Max Beckmann
                                                           Guggenheim while taking advantage of its scholarly
in Exile, Visions of Paris: Robert Delaunay's Series, and  criteria and organizational capacities was approved
Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose: Gender Performance in         by the Board of Trustees. All that remained was to
Photography. In the process of developing these
projects, the Guggenheim has become a major pro-           connect the source of the vision for China: 3,000
                                                           Years with the curatorial expertise to bring it to life.
Aducer of exhibitions. measure of its success is           That connection was provided by Sherman Lee.

reflected in the fact that, during the past five years,    More than twenty-five years ago, in 1969, as an
Guggenheim-organized exhibitions have been pre-
                                                           undergraduate economics and political-science
sented in more than eighty museums around the
world, from Bilbao to Shanghai, from Los Angeles           major at Williams College, I took my first art-
to Munich, and from Singapore to Vienna.
                                                           —history course on Chinese landscape painting
A fundamental shift in attitude has complemented
                                                           with Professor Lee. When the opportunity for an
this extraordinary programmatic growth. The
Guggenheim recognizes that culture in the twenti-          exhibition of Chinese art at the Guggenheim arose,

eth and twenty-first centuries cannot be treated as a      there was never any doubt in my mind that
Western-oriented, Euro-American hegemony.
                                                           Professor Lee was the only person to provide the
Museums in particular cannot maintain a high               bold and unique vision to select it. Happily, several
                                                           weeks after I presented the general thesis of an
regard for classical and antique cultures from             exhibition of five millennia of Chinese art drawn
around the world while remaining skeptical about           exclusively from material in China to him,
the contemporary art of non-Western traditions.            Professor Lee agreed to head the curatorial team

That a new postmodern, multifaceted, multilingual          for the traditional section.

contemporary global culture is emerging in an              The next step was to secure the participation and
increasingly interconnected and Internet-linked            cooperation of the Chinese. In the autumn of
world is a fact that cannot be ignored. Africa, Asia,      1994, the Honorable Gianni De Michelis, former
and South America all sustain vibrant contempo-            Foreign Minister of Italy and Guggenheim trustee,

rary cultures that a global museum must engage.            helped arrange a meeting with the Honorable
The Guggenheim's aspirations as an international           Qian Qichen,Vice Premier and Foreign Minister
museum are viable only to the degree that a broad-
based international program comes into place. The          of the People's Republic of China. Our mission

—museum buildings for all their architectural bril-        was simple: to seek an unprecedented collaboration
—liance and geographic diversity are only a point of       with the Chinese government by presenting the
                                                           objectives of China: 3, 000 Years with reference to its
departure.                                                 political significance in the context of developing
                                                           Sino- American relations. As a result of that
The Guggenheim's interest in non-Western cultures          meeting the following January, the Guggenheim
was heralded by Japanese Art After ig4}: Scream            was put in contact with representatives of the
                                                           Ministry of Culture, National Administration
Against the Sky, an exhibition organized in con-

junction with the Yokohama Museum of Art and

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