Page 27 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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for Cultural Heritage, China International              thank for helping put together an exhibition of this
Exhibition Agency, and Art Exhibitions China to         complexity and scope. First of all, the task of
begin planning.
                                                        assembling such a broad range of material from a
                                                        wide range of sources demanded a unique

To implement this striking and ambitious vision,        organizational structure and support at the highest

Sherman Lee, with the able support of Howard            level. Our most sincere gratitude is extended to

Rogers, assembled an outstanding team of advisors       President Jiang Zemin; the Honorable Li Peng,

who not only wrote essays for this catalogue, but       Premier of the Peoples Republic of China; Vice

also provided consultation on every aspect of the       Premier and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen; and

exhibition, from issues of conservation to the          the Honorable Liu Zhongde, Minister of Culture

installation plan and educational materials. This       of the People's Republic of China, without whose

team includes the top specialists in their areas of     support this project would never have been

expertise: Helmut Brinker, Professor, University of     realized. The Foreign Ministry- supported this

Zurich; James Cahill, Professor Emeritus, History of    exhibition through the good offices of the

Art, University of California, Berkeley; Elizabeth      Honorable Li Daoyu, Ambassador of the People's

Childs-Johnson, Visiting Scholar, New York              Republic of China to the United States, who

University; Patricia Ebrey, Professor, Department of    provided advice and consultation at important

History, University ot Washington; Michael Knight,      Westages of the project.  would like to extend our

Curator of Chinese Art, Asian Art Museum of San         most sincere thanks and gratitude to the Honorable

Francisco; Regina Krahl, independent scholar,           Qiu Shengyun, Consul General of the People's

affiliated with the Royal Museums of Art and            Republic of China in New York. The complex task

History, Brussels; Jenny So, Curator of Ancient         —of organizing the specifics of the exhibition in

Chinese Art, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M.         particular, arranging loans from the many lending

Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution,               —institutions fell to the Ministry of Culture of the

Washington, D.C.; Peter Sturman, Associate              People's Republic of China and, for the traditional

Professor, Department of the History of Art and         section, the National Administration for Cultural

Architecture, University of California, Santa           Heritage. At the Ministry of Culture, I would like

WuBarbara;  Hung, Harrie A.Vanderstappen                to extend my personal thanks to Li Yuanchao,

Distinguished Service Professor in Chinese Art          Vice-Minister of Culture, and Ding Wei, Deputy

History, University of Chicago; and Zhao Feng,          Director of the General Bureau of External

Professor, China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou.        Cultural Relations, who were steadfast in their

                                                        support for the project and instrumental in

In addition, the National Administration for            providing direction and focus. With particular
Cultural Heritage of the People's Republic of
China, our partner in the organization of the           respect and friendship, we would like to single out
traditional section of China: 5,000 Years, provided
scholarly assistance at all levels of the planning and  Zhang Wenbin and Wang Limei at the National

development of the exhibition. Zhang Wenbin             Administration for Cultural Heritage, without
assembled an impressive team of support for the
project, including the following prominent scholars     whose professional and steadfast leadership, this
and high-level museum professionals who
                                                        complicated and far-reaching exhibition would
contributed essays to this catalogue: Su Bai,
                                                        never have come to fruition. This exhibition would
Professor, Beijing University; Yu Weichao, Director
                                                        also not be possible without the support ot
of the National Museum of Chinese History,
Beijing; Ma Chengyuan, Director of the Shanghai         Lei Congyun, Director of Art Exhibitions China,
Museum; Wang Qingzheng, Deputy Director of the
Shanghai Museum; and Liu Jiu'an, Researcher,            and Yang Yang, Deputy Director of Art
Palace Museum, Beijing. Yang Yang, Yin Jia, Zhang
Jianxin, Qian Wei, and Chen Shujie of Art               Exhibitions China, who oversaw all the logistical
Exhibitions China; Lu Chenglong and Xu
of the Palace Museum; Wang Changqi and                  and organizational details, in addition to research
Gao Man of the Institute for the Protection of
                                                        Weresponsibilities.  are also indebted to the team
Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Xi'an; Li Xuefang
of the Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an; and Han          of specialists who accompanied the artworks from
Jianwu of the Shaan.xi History Museum, Xi'an. also
provided important scholarly contributions and          NewChina for their installation in  York; Shan
research for this exhibition. June Mei skillfully
                                                        Guolin of the Shanghai Museum: Feng Xiaoqi ot
translated these essays.
                                                        the Palace Museum. Beijing: and Chen Shujie ot
                                                        Art Exhibitions China. Our very special thanks go

                                                        to Hu Chui, photographer at the Palace Museum,
                                                        who spent many days and even months traveling

                                                        around China, applying Ins art 10 the task ol

                                                        photographing the objects in the exhibition.

                                                        The beautiful plates in this catalogue are testimony

                                                        to his uncompromising eye for quality and detail.

                                                        We will provide our extended thanks to the team

                                                        at the China I \lubition Agency in
                                                        our catalogue dedicated to the modern section of

There are always many, many important people to         the exhibition, but 1 would like to take this

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