Page 28 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 28

opportunity to express my particular gratitude to       determination, and, together with Xiaoming
Hao Zhan, Director, and Wan Jiyuan, Li Li, and
                                                        Zhang, who impressively managed the
You Shu.
                                                        English/Chinese dual-language database, and
I would also like to express my gratitude to Gianni
De Michelis for his inspiration and generosity, and     Emily Wei and Nicole Lin, who provided key

for nurturing this project at its inception and         research and organizational support, formed the
remaining a strong supporter and advisor. Ji            hub of the exhibition, holding together the
Chaozhu and Simon Jiang also must be thanked for
their support.                                          project's many varied spokes. Our thanks are due
                                                        also to Frances Yuan, Eileen Hsu, and Andrew
One of the astonishing aspects of this exhibition is    Leung, who provided research for the didactic
the large number of lenders from all over China
who recognized its historic importance and              material, and to our interns Patty Chang, Shihong
                                                        Aldin, Jackie Chien, Simon Murphy, and Katherine
contributed to its success by allowing precious         Cheng for their tireless efforts and their valuable
works from their collections to travel to the           contribution to the complicated administration of
                                                        this multifaceted project. Suzanne Quigley, Head
Aexhibition venues. separate page is devoted to a       Registrar for Collections and Exhibitions; Mary
                                                        Jane Clark, Project Registrar; and Joan Hendricks,
—list of our lenders thirty-nine in total in the        Associate Registrar, professionally handled the
—traditional section of China: 3,000 Years but I        logistics of the international transportation of the

would like to take this opportunity to offer them       Aobjects. highly skilled staft of conservators,
our deepest gratitude for their enormous generosity
and cooperation, without which this exhibition          including Project Conservator Tracy Power of the
would not have been possible.
                                                        Asian Art Museum of San Francisco; Gillian
In the United States, there were also a large
                                                        McMillan, Senior Conservator (Collections);
number of people without whom we would not              Carol Stringari, Senior Conservator (Exhibitions);
                                                        Eleanora Nagy, Assistant Conservator; and Ellen
have been able to bring this exhibition to fruition.    Pratt, Project Conservator, oversaw the care and
It has been a privilege and an honor to work with       condition of the precious objects in the exhibition

Sherman Lee on this Aproject. deep debt of              at every stage of the project. The exhibition design
                                                        is the work of Arata Isozaki and Adegboyega
gratitude is owed to him, and also to his wife,         Adetope. The Art Services and Preparations
Ruth, who accompanied Professor Lee on his many
visits to China in preparation tor this exhibition.     department lent their considerable expertise to the
I would also like to thank Howard Rogers, who           installation of the exhibition. In particular, I wish to
served as consulting curator and as general editor of   thank Karen Meyerhoft, Director of Exhibition and
this catalogue. Having worked closely with
Professor Lee over a period of many years, he has a     Collection Management and Design; Scott Wixon,
deep appreciation and sensitive understanding of        Manager of Art Services and Preparations; Peter
Professor Lee's vision. His own formidable grasp of     Read, Manager of Exhibition Fabrication and
all aspects of Chinese art is the result of more than   Design; Jocelyn Brayshaw, Acting Chief Preparator;
                                                        Liz Jaff, Assistant Paper Preparator; Joseph Adams,
thirty years of involvement in the field, including
eighteen years as a professor of Chinese art history    Senior Museum Technician; Richard Gombar.
                                                        Museum Technician; Mary Ann Hoag, Lighting
at Sophia University, Tokyo. Howard Rogers's wife,
Mary Ann, herself an expert in Chinese art, was         Designer; and Jocelyn Groom, Exhibition Design
                                                        Coordinator. David Horak also provided invaluable
also ever generous in her support. David                assistance with the installation. Len Steinbach,

Sensabaugh, Ann Wardwell, Pat Berger, and Jan           Director of Information Technology, provided

Berris also provided important advice.                  constant support for the many sophisticated

At the Guggenheim, Jane DeBevoise, Director of          technical requirements of a dual-language database.

the China Exhibition Project, assisted by Manon         I would also like to thank Marilyn Goodman,
                                                        Director of Education, and Diane Maas, Education
Slome, Project Assistant Curator, oversaw all aspects   Program Manager, who developed an outstanding
of the exhibition planning, coordination, and           education program; Rosemarie Garipoli, Deputy
execution, from checklist and loan negotiation to       Director for External Affairs, and George McNeely,
installation planning and design, as well as catalogue  Director of Institutional Development; Ruth Taylor,
                                                        Director of Budget and Planning; and Jay A.
development and execution. With considerable            Levenson, former Deputy Director for Program
managerial expertise, indefatigable energy, true team   Administration, who steered the project at its early
leadership, and impressive facility with the Chinese    stages. Patrick Seymour of Tsang Seymour Design,
language, Jane DeBevoise ably moved each stage of
the project toward completion. Manon Slome              together with Marcia Fardella, Graphic Designer,
coordinated the myriad details of the exhibition        Susan Lee, Assistant Graphic Designer, and Jessica
planning and design with intelligence and               Ludwig at the Guggenheim, produced the

                                                        exhibition's many graphic-design elements with

                                                        sensitivity and expertise.

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