Page 29 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 29

This catalogue, published by the Guggenheim's         would like to thank M. Douglas Ivester. Chairman

Publications Department under the direction of        of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
Anthony Calnek, Director of Publications, and         The Coca-Cola Company, for his leadership in
                                                      supporting this important project. The collaboration
designed by Patrick Seymour, has in itself been an    of Douglas N. Daft, President, Middle and Far East

impressive project. Coordinated by Howard Rogers,     Group at The Coca-Cola Company, was also vital

with the perceptive and sensitive editorial support   to its realization.

of Naomi Richard and Sylvia Moss, the catalogue

reflects an extensive international collaboration

between some of the most distinguished scholars       Significant additional support for this exhibition

in the field and will hopefully be a valuable         was provided at an early stage by The Starr
                                                      Foundation and The W. L. S. Spencer Foundation.
Wereference for years to come.  are particularly      Their generous help allowed us to move the project
                                                      forward during the critical processes of research and
impressed that great scholars from both China and     development. Mori Building Company Limited has

the West embraced this historic occasion to develop   also assisted substantially in the realization of the

their ideas and communicate their Wescholarship.      exhibition. I would like to thank Minoru Mori,
                                                      President, for his inspired support. The exhibition
firmly believe that the diversity of material and     has also been made possible in part by a major
                                                      grant from the National Endowment of the
commentary is one of the great strengths of this
project as a whole, and we have made no attempt       Humanities, who provided us with important earlv
                                                      endorsement and encouragement. The generous
to bring into conformity the opinions expressed by
                                                      support ofThe Li-Cheng Cultural and Educational
the authors. The production of this catalogue was     Foundation has assisted in the publication of the
                                                      two-volume catalogue accompanying the
handled with great skill by Elizabeth Levy,
Managing Editor/Manager of Foreign Editions, and

Melissa Secondino, Production Assistant. Along

with related exhibition materials, it was also made

possible with the assistance of Edward Weisberger,

Editor; Jennifer Knox White, Associate Editor;

Carol Fitzgerald, Assistant Editor; and Domenick

Ammirati, Editorial Assistant, as well as Keith       As I complete these remarks in a Tokyo hotel

Mayerson and Nicole Columbus.                         room, I look at the scroll of calligraphy that hangs

                                                      in the tokunoma alcove ot my room. A Japanese

An exhibition of this scale could never take place    mefriend tells  that it was created by a nineteenth-

without the generous support of our sponsors.         century Japanese artist whose style was based on
First, I would like to thank Lufthansa for the        that of a seventeenth-century calligrapher named
ongoing commitment and leadership support it has
shown to the Guggenheim as a Global Partner.          Dong Qichang, whose work is included in China:
In particular, I would like to thank Frederick W.     5, ooo Years. The text, "Peach Blossom Spring." by

Reid, Lufthansa German Airlines's President and       the fourth-century Chinese poet Tao Yuanniing.

Chief Operating Officer, and Josef Grendel.           speaks of the peace and contentment that become
Lufthansa's Vice President Corporate
Communications, for their enlightened generosity.     possible on removal from the temporal world, just

We are also very fortunate to have had the            as the author himself achieved lasting renown by

opportunity to work with Nokia. Their                 giving up secular ambition in order to cultivate his
international vision and their skill at connecting
people and cultures are deeply impressive. For their  Mysoul.  friend then comments that the writing
support, I am particularly indebted to Jorma Ollila.
President and Chief Executive Officer; Lauri          itself seems lacking the confidence expressed In the
Kivinen, Senior Vice President Corporate
Communications; Jim Bowman, Vice President            verbal content, winch leads to this final observa-
Corporate Communications, Nokia Americas; and
Micaela Tucker-Kinney, Manager. Corporate             tion: the boundaries between Easl and West,

Communications, Nokia Americas. We are also           between past and present, are truly falling. Artists

most grateful to Alex Trotman, Chairman and Chiel     and poets today are no different from their prede-
Executive Officer of Ford Motor Company, lor his
leadership and commitment to this project. At         cessors in their willingness to appropriate or reject
Ford, we also wish to thank Wayne M. Booker, Vice
Chairman; Peter J. Pestillo, Executive Vice           —what they need from their own history, from then
President, Corporate Relations; Gary L. Nielsen,      —contemporary context, from outside influences to

Vice President, Ford Motor Company Fund; and          formulate a response to their dilemma. China: 5,000

Mabel H. Cabot, Director, Corporate                   Years will appeal to experts and scholars. But by far
Programming, for their creativity and their
dedication to tins landmark exhibition. Finally, we   the Ingest number of people to see the exhibition

                                                      will be those with only a limited understanding ot'

                                                      the culture of this extraordinary country, ["hey are

                                                      lice to approach this art from their own pels;-
                                                      rives, to hung themselves into the encounter and

                                                      challenge their preconceptions. The process will
                                                      challenge them to learn and grow, and the two

                                                      countries will move a little closer as a result. It is in

                                                      this potential thai < hina: $,oooYcars finds us ulti-

                                                      mate jusrjfii arion.

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