Page 34 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 34

designs, and many centuries later jade working            substance of their living relations. Upper-class
became and remained a purely decorative art.              tombs were abundantly furnished with realistic
                                                          effigies of all the familiar objects, animals, and
Bronze casting, which begins during the Xia and           humans that constituted the material world
Shang dynasties and flourishes into the Han,
follows a similar sequence, in which great early          —perhaps idealized of the living. These lively and
invention and ingenuity in support of meaningful
iconography are gradually superseded by technical         closely observed tomb figurines, created to
mediocrity and decorative repetition. The use of          accompany and serve the dead, represent the broad
ceramic piece-molds, which permit shape and               and complex world of the living and are material
surface decoration to be created simultaneously, is       evidence of society over a significant period ol
the distinguishing feature of Chinese bronze              time. The burial furniture and figurines manifest
technology, and had reached a stage of enormous           artistic creativity, but at the same time their vast
complexity and brilliant virtuosity by the Anyang         numbers attest to virtual mass production, with
phase of the Shang dynasty. The vessels cast in these     great technical skill and high standards of quality.
piece-molds testify to the early Chinese interest in      The alert and natural figures of animals and humans
and aptitude for representing a world of imaginary        provide us with a visual image of their world far
and transmogrified creatures, demons, and                 more vivid than the descriptions by historians of

grotesques. Many of the early Zhou dynasty bronze         the day.

vessels bear inscriptions that constitute important       The coming of Buddhism to China in the mid-first
                                                          century CE and its enthusiastic acceptance in the
historical documents, and by the end of the Zhou
                                                          succeeding centuries brought with it a great figural
these same forms were embellished with the                style of image making as it had developed in India
precious metals and gemstones that enhanced their
                                                          and had been transformed as it moved eastward.
new function as visual markers of social and              The Chinese adapted it rapidly and creatively in all
                                                          three mediums, especially in the north; works
economic status.                                          produced in this development are remarkably

Lacquer as a protective and decorative coating is in      varied in nature, with strong provincial styles being
                                                          created during the fifth and sixth centuries in
origin Chinese and is known to have been used             Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Yunnan, and Sichuan.

very early on, although the first extensive remains       By the beginning of the seventh century, in the Sui
                                                          and early Tang dynasty, a national Chinese style was
date from the Warring States era of the late Zhou         emerging. Ultimately this became a truly

dynasty. Painted and incised lacquer designs of that      international style, prevalent throughout East Asia.
period relate stylistically to contemporaneous
textile and bronze designs. In later centuries            In general, the Chinese intellectual and cultural
lacquer-working techniques became more                    elite placed little aesthetic value on the sculptor's
complex; forms and designs were molded using a            art, especially that in stone. But the protean artisan
variety of techniques, then carved and/or inlaid          image-makers have left a large body of work that
with various precious materials. These manifold           begins in the early Six Dynasties with images
techniques as well as cultivation of the lac tree itself  imbued with great energy and movement and
spread to Korea, Japan, and Okinawa, and those            develops by the Tang dynasty into figures ot
cultures continue to benefit from this Chinese
                                                          worldly and splendid elegance. The sensuous and
innovation.                                               rounded volumes of Tang sculptures correspond to

Silk manufacture too was an early Chinese                 the fashions of female court beauties as revealed in
invention, one that had an even more complex              the early scroll paintings, seen in this exhibition in
development and greater impact on the larger              photographic reproductions of contemporaneous
world, spreading to the West during Hellenistic and       wall murals. This is the first exhibition from China
early Christian times. Paper and printing, appearing      to feature stone Buddhist sculptures in significant
in this exhibition in the form of early paintings and     numbers.
block-printed books, are even more famous
examples of Chinese inventions that were                  Among Chinese contributions to world culture, it
instrumental in shaping Asian and European
                                                          is perhaps porcelain that was most devoutly
culture.                                                  admired and fervently sought after in the West. The
                                                          course of development ot Chinese ceramics, from
Sculptures is represented in the exhibition in clay,      the early high-fired stonewares through various
                                                          types of later white- and green-glazed wares to the
metal, and stone. The first of these mediums              pinnacle represented by porcelain, is well
comprises mainly tomb figurines, which manifest           represented in this exhibition. The selection was
                                                          based on the quality ot individual pieces as well as
simultaneous concern with this life and with the          on features that would reveal the intrieuine
afterlife. Proper burials not only served the afterlife
needs of the deceased but testified to the moral
virtues, social responsibility, and pecuniary

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