Page 96 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 96

Fig. 4. Lacquered wood coffin from Mawangdui tomb       variety of arts marked this long period of time.

No. 1.                                                  During this period tea became a national obsession.
                                                        The need for vessels and implements to prepare,
new effects: cutwork designs of precious metal leaf     present, and drink this beverage, along with those
                                                        for the foods that came to be associated with it, also
or foil might be applied to the surface of the          had a broad-ranging impact on such mediums as
lacquerware, covered with several layers of lacquer,    ceramics and lacquers.
then the whole rubbed just till the gleaming metal
emerged flush with the surrounding lacquer, a           The artistic movements brought about by these
technique called pingtuo; or patterns might be created
in the lacquerware by inlaying thin sheets of mother-   changes in attitude and patronage were fully
of-pearl or other iridescent shells. Both these         realized during the Song dynasty. Influenced by
techniques are found on mirror backs, mirror cases,     Confucian principles and inspired by conscious
musical instruments, and a variety of other objects.    archaism, the people of the Song took renewed

During the middle and late Tang dynasty a series of     interest in the arts and philosophies of the Han
events occurred that profoundly affected lacquer        dynasty and earlier. Cut off by hostile neighbors
production and attitudes toward it and a variety of
                                                        from the foreign influences that had been so strong
other materials. The An Lushan rebellion of 755         during the earlier centuries of the Tang dynasty,
                                                        Song dynasty artists innovated within traditional
vastly diminished the political and economic power
of the Tang hereditary elite. During the remainder      Chinese mediums. Among these was lacquer.
of the Tang dynasty other societal groups emerged
as the principal arbiters of taste. They often showed   Song dynasty innovations in lacquer included
                                                        making lighter and stronger cores, rendering details
a preference for native materials, including lacquer    of the decoration in relief by means of a moldable
                                                        paste made by adding materials such as fine clay or
in more traditional forms.                              ash to liquid lacquer, and applying sufficient
                                                        numbers of layers to allow deep carving in the
As the political fortunes of the Tang ruling clans
declined, China's borders contracted and the            lacquer. Many of the pieces created during this
Central Asian trade routes were interrupted by
foreign conquest. This encouraged the resurgence        period were elegant utilitarian vessels and domestic
of native traditions in the arts, which continued       furniture. Others were specially designed to serve in
through the Five Dynasties period (907-960) and         Buddhist ritual practices.

on into the Song dynasty (960-1279). An increased       The lacquer cup stand (fig. 5) illustrates many of

emphasis on the tenets of Confucianism, a rise in       these patronage and artistic issues. Designed for the
Daoism and certain forms of Buddhism, and the           display or presentation of a cup, it is a prime
development of strong regional patronage for a          example of the group of objects that were created

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