Page 99 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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more rational. Other developments are the                                 the full range of techniques and of the highest    material in all stages prior to
                                                                          quality were produced during this period. As with  curing.
extensive use of diaper patterns as background or to
                                                                          many court-supported arts, production of lacquer   5. The complexity of these
indicate sky or water and the replacement of the
                                                                          declined during the nineteenth century. Lacquer    applications are well described
abstract patterns on the sides of the Yuan box with                       production for the merchant class and for a
                                                                          growing export market continued, and was the       by Shogyo Ohba in "The
Onvarious auspicious flowers.                     a majority of
                                                                          main source of support for the medium into the     Kyushitsu Technique
fifteenth-century covered boxes the sides are                                                                                Demonstrated on a Natsume,"
                                                                          twentieth century.                                 in N.S. Bromelle and Perry
similarly decorated.                                                                                                         Smith, eds., Urushi: Proceedings
                                                                                                                             of the Urushi Study Group, 10—27
By the Ming dynasty the mil range of decorative                                                                              June, 1987, Tokyo (Marina Del
                                                                                                                             Rey:The Getty' Conservation
techniques was employed in the creation of                                                                                    Institute, 1988), pp. 91-94.

lacquers: painted lacquer, lacquer overpainted with

other materials; carved lacquer (diaoqi); "engraved                                                                          5. Wenwu, no. 4 (1982), p. 70.

                       1  (qiangjin),  a  design  consisting  of incised


outlines inlaid with gold dust over wet lacquer;                                                                             6. Kaogu, no. 5 (1984),
                                                                                                                             pp. 405-17-
incised and in-filled lacquer (tianqi or diaotian), a                     SOURCES FOR FIGURES
                                                                          Fig. 1 . After Changsha                            7. David Hawkes, trans., Hie
further development of qiangjin, in which the area                        Mawangdui yihao Hanmu
                                                                                                                             Songs of the South: An Anthology
within the gold-filled outline was painted with a                         ("Him tomb No. l at Mawangdui,
                                                                          Changsha") (Beijing: Wenwu                         ofAncient Chinese Poems by
contrasting-colored lacquer; and inlaid lacquer.                                                                             Q11 Yuan and Other Poets
                                                                          chubanshe, 1973), vol. 2, pi. 26.                  (Harmondsworth: Penguin
Throughout the Ming dynasty the number of                                                                                    Books, 1985).
                                                                          Fig. 2. After Changsha
imperial commissions for lacquer varied with                                                                                 8. For a full description of the
                                                                          Mawangdui yihao Hanmu
fluctuations in taste, economic conditions, and                                                                              materials in tomb Number 1 at
                                                                          ("Han tomb No. 1 at Mawangdui,                     Mawangdui, see Changsha
doubtless other factors. The reign of the Jiajing                         Changsha") (Beijing: Wenwu                         Mawangdui yihao Hanmu
                                                                                                                             (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe,
emperor (1522-1566) was a period of high                                  chubanshe, 1973), vol. 2, pi. 160.
production for all court-related arts, including                          Fig. 3. After Changsha
                                                                                                                             9. Hawkes, 77ic Songs of the
lacquer. Dynastic power was in decline during the                         Mawangdui yihao Hanmu
reign of this emperor, who abdicated almost all his                       ("Han tomb No. 1 at Mawangdui,
                                                                          Changsha ") (Beijing: Wenwu                        10. Wang Shixiang, Zhongguo
authority to court eunuchs. The Jiajing emperor's                                                                            gudai qiqi (Beijing: We nwu
                                                                          chubanshe, 1973), vol. 2, pi. 192.
fascination with Daoism distracted him further                                                                               chubanshe, 1987), pp. 12-13.
                                                                          Fig. 4. After Changsha
from affairs of state, but was a major influence on                                                                          11. Billie Milam and Helene
                                                                          Mawangdui yihao Hanmu                              Gillette, "X-Ray Radiography
the arts commissioned by his court. This emperor                                                                             in the Study ot Oriental
                                                                          ("Han tomb No. 1 at Mawangdui,                     Lacquerware Substructures," in
spent great amounts of shrinking imperial funds on                        Changsha") (Beijing: Wenwu                         Brommelle and Smith, eds..
                                                                          chubanshe, 1973), vol. 2, pi 27.
art. Production at imperially supervised factories                                                                           Urushi, pp. 199—226.
                                                                          Fig. 5. After Elizabeth Childs-
and workshops was high, but quality often was not.                        Johnson, "Jades of the Hongshan                    12. For examples, see Shoso-in
                                                                          Culture," Arts Asiariques 36.                      Bureau of the Imperial
A final burst of imperially commissioned artistic                                                                            Household (Konaicho zohan
                                                                          NOTES                                              Shoso-in Jimusho hen), eds..
activity marked the reign of the Wanli emperor                            1. The main criterion for the
(1573— 1620). Like the Jiajing emperor, the Wanli                                                                             Treasures of the Sfioso-in, vol. 1
emperor ignored the need to strengthen a                                  scholar's appreciation ot lacquer                  (Shoso-in Homotsu I). North I
government that had been weakened by decades of                           was antiquity. See Craig
corruption and poor leadership and instead                                Clunas, Superfluous Tilings:                       D[Kitakura (Japan: Mainichi
squandered time and resources on artistic                                 Materia! Culture and Social Status
production. By the final years of his reign the Ming                                                                         Shinbun, 1974), p\y 4°-43-
court no longer had the financial resources to                            in Early Modem China                               4s-4-.-4-.S1. !3S-3<;.
commission works of art in great numbers or of
superior quality. By that time, however, other                            (Cambridge: Polity Press. 1991),                   13. For X-rays of this type of
segments of the population had become significant                         pp. 11, 136-37.                                    core, sec Milam and Gillette.
patrons of the lacquer arts, chiefly members of the
wealthy merchant class. Their particular social                           2. The most expensive piece of                     "X-Ray Radiography," pp.
station and tastes created demands for a variety of
lacquer types, often tending toward the highly                            furniture in the inventory of                      14. Sir Harry Garner. Chinese
                                                                          the material confiscated from                      Lacquci (London and Boston:
ornate. Many of the spectacular examples of                                                                                  Faber and Fabci
mother-of-pearl inlaid lacquers of the late Ming                          the late Ming official Yan Song
and early Qing were intended for them.                                    was a lacquered bed. Clunas,                       tv Wang. Zliongguo gudai qiqi,

                                                                          Superfluous Tilings, p. [31.                       pi. 4^. p. 206,

THE QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)                                              3. Lacquered leather was used

Under the Manchu rule of the Qing dynasty,                                for armor throughout much of
                                                                          1 asi \m.i. Although the two
imperial support for the lacquer arts resumed
during the reign of the Kangxi emperor                                    materials are noi entirely suited
(1662-1722) and reached a peak during the reign of                        for use together, lacquer has
the Qianlong emperor (1736-1795)- Examples in                             been used to dc< orate bronze
                                                                          sculpture and ritual objects

                                                                          from (he Bronze Age to recent


                                                                          4. Uruslnol is the material in
                                                                          the Huts rami!) (whi< h includes
                                                                          sumac .\nd poison ivy) that
                                                                          causes dermatitis, Special care is
                                                                          required in handling this

SO FINE A LUSTER: CHINESE LACQUERWARES                                    97
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